Welfare institutions and the mobilization of consent

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2016.04.16 / 2016.04.16
  • 4페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Welfare institutions and the mobilization of consent :
Union responses to labour market activation policies
in France and the Netherlands
< Contents >
Predicting union attitudes to labour market activation
Unions and activation in France and the Netherlands
The Netherlands
Discussion: Welfare institutions and the mobilization of consent
1. 노동시장활성화정책에 대한 노조의 대응들은 현 복지국가의 재구조화(restructuring) 측면에서 노조의 태도와 전략의 중심이 됨
2. 이미 존재하는 다른 학문들의 문헌을 이용하여 노동시장활성화정책들을 반대하거나 지지하는 노조에 대해 예측하기 위한 이론적인 근거를 찾을 것
3. 프랑스와 네덜란드, 두 나라의 사례를 통해 경쟁하고 있는 두 가지의 주장에 대해 알아볼 것
4. 복지국가의 제도 하에서 활성화 사업들의 영향에 관한 고려들이 노조의 동의나 반대의 동원에 관해 주된 역할을 함
1. 노동시장의 활성화 오랫동안 복지국가의 개조된 경제구조에 적응하는 것에 대해 논쟁을 격음
노동시장의 활성화 : 사회수당정책들의 표현과 가깝고, 일자리의 통합을 격려하는 것을 제공하는 것으로 인식됨
2. 활성화는 수당의존성의 감소와 같은 전통적인 우익의 주장과 쉽게 연관되는 반면, 제한된 시장영향력으로 인해 취약한 계층이 직면한 위험에 맞서는 후기산업의 노동시장이 더 사회적으로 포용되도록 하는 시도로서 사회정의의 언어로 포함됨
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
  • 발칸사-Preface and Explanation
  • Preface and Explanation Twenty-Five Lectures in Balkan History is an ongoing project. This is not simply because some time will pass before all twenty-five lectures are posted. I also hope that the Web medium promotes interaction between myself and readers (my e-mail address appears below), interaction that will enlarge my understanding of the Web as a place for information exchange. This preface first was written (in the Spring of 1996) as a way to anticipate questions from browsers who encounter this project. By dating subsequent sections and changes, I would like to trace the evolution

  • [대학입시, 논술고사] 논술 면접 구술고사 및 지도 실제 출제문제
  • the University of California at Berkeley because the university gives spaces to others. They argue that the only fair approach is to base admissions on academic qualifications. But a straight-A average wouldn’t guarantee admission to Berkeley even if there were no affirmative action, since the university uses admission criteria other than test scores and grades, including a genius for computers, musical talent and geographical diversity. And as a public institution, the university needs to look at broader societal needs, including greater leadership training of minority communities. Serious

  • 국가공무원 영어기출문제(1993~2006년 9급,7급,국회8급기출문제집)
  • The research team needs to confer with the director before it begins its final report.① consult ② compute③ fasten ④ retain⑤ subdue8. The king was merciless.① warm-hearted ② generous③ cruel ④ energetic⑤ understanding9. The representative was asked to verify his earlier statement.① cancel ② modify③ withdraw ④ repeat⑤ confirm10. 다음 문장이 시사하는 것은 ?The best equipment a young man can have for the battle of life is a conscience, common sense and good health. There is no friend so good as a good conscience. There is no enemy so dangerous

  • [영문] 호손의 주홍글씨 영문판입니다
  • FILE:주홍글씨.txtNext> |

  • [토익] 해커스 토익 예상문제(3년치분)
  • of the days times that you can have an interview with us in the blank right above the page number. (A) either (B) nor (C) and (D) but 2. Mrs. Suzuki is planning to make final changes in our hiring procedure after she spends some time studying overall effectiveness. (A) their (B) it (C) its (D) them 3. Since we only accept correct or forms, you should carefully look over your application before you submit it. (A) completes (B) completion (C) complete (D) completing 4. Advances in technology have enabled people to make more of their time.

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