한국 사회의 환경문제에 대한 인식 연구-중,고교 교과서 분석 중심으로(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2018.06.25 / 2018.06.25
  • 12페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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Ⅰ. Research Rationale/Questions
Ⅱ. Research Methods
Ⅲ. Research Findings
Part1. School Textbook analysis
Part2. Survey-analysis result: Korean’s cognition standard
on solutions to environmental problems
Ⅳ. Research Conclusion
Ⅴ. Reference/Bibliography
Research Rationale/Questions
In present-day society, environmental problems are one of the most important issues facing us. Accordingly, the cognition that we should preserve environment is prevailing in Korea too. New Ecological Paradigm (NEP) measured the environmental awareness. It reported that Korean got higher marks than average (3.38 out of 5), showing relatively eco-friendly attitude. This mark is similar to that of British (3.53 out of 5). Especially Korean got higher grade in daily life practices such as reducing disposal and saving water than 21countries of EU. Thus, we expect that Korean’s environmental awareness is focused on the individual level than social level.
We would like to research deeply about Korean’s cognition in terms of individual level and social level in solving environmental problems. And we think this inequality of cognition will eventually lead us to the society of destruction beyond the society of danger. We would like to point out that our society needs to have more balanced view. Accordingly, we expect our research will be helpful in this period filled with danger of environmental problems.
In this view, we will examine two questions.
1) First, how school textbooks used in compulsory education course describe solutions to the environmental problems?
2) Second, what is Korean’s cognition on solving environmental problems found in survey?

Research Methods
∥Social level and individual level
To clear term, social-level practice means activities conducted at social. The subjects of this refer themselves to the subjects of public area, and unfold activities at social level to solve the problems. On the other hand, in the individual-level practice, subjects locate themselves in private area. That is, it limits its practice not at public level but at individual level.
-No yong joon, 7th grade morals, Doosan donga, 2012

-Jung chang woo, 7th grade morals, Miraeen, 2012

-Byeon soon yong, 7th grade morals, Chunjae gyoyuk, 2009

-Choi sung gil, 9th grade social studies, Bisang gyoyuk, 2011

-Seo tae yul, 9th grade social studies, Geumsung publisher , 2011

-Ryu jae myung, 9th grade social studies, Chunjae gyoyuk, 2009

-Lee dong hwan, 10th grade social studies, Beopmunsa, 2010
-Park byung ik, 10th grade social studies, Chunjae gyoyuk, 2010
-Lee byung wook, 2013 Research on environmental awareness, World Research, Report on research about cognition on environmental preservation, Ministry of Environment, 2008, Evaluation institution on environmental policies

-ISSP(International Social Sciences Program) Survey 2010-the case of S Korea
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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