유니클로의 경영분석(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2016.03.03 / 2016.03.03
  • 60페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 3,000원
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
1.1. Introduction of UNIQLO
1.2. Company overview
1.3. About Fast Retailing
1.4. Company History (Year 1949 – 2012)
1.5. Company Philosophy
1.5.1. Corporate Statement
1.5.2. The Fast Retailing Group Mission
1.5.3. Company’s Value
1.5.4. Company’s Principles
2. Organizational structure
2.1. Organizational Chart
3. Business Activities
3.1. Business functions and Business process
4. Value chain
4.1. Value Chain Diagram
4.2. Primary and Support activities
5. Five forces analysis
5.1. Threat of entry of new competitors
5.2. Rivalry among existing firms in the industry
5.3. Threat of substitute products or services
5.4. Bargaining power of suppliers
5.5. Bargaining power of customers or buyers
6. Competitor Analysis
6.1. ZARA
6.2. H&M
6.4. SPAO
7. Management Systems
7.1. UNIQLO Management Information Systems
7.1.1. Customer Profile
7.1.2. The Challenge
7.1.3. The Solution
7.1.4. The Results Timely, Effective Feedback Customizations The Bottom Line
7.2. Customer Relationship Management Systems
7.2.1. Sales Mobile Sales Web Sales Retail Store Sales
7.2.2. Services Call Center Data
7.2.3. Marketing Campaign Data Data Analysis
7.3. Supply Chain Management Systems
7.3.1. Research & Development (Designers/Pattern Makers)
7.3.2. Development and Procurement of Materials
7.3.3. Merchandising
7.3.4. IT Support of Supply Chain Support of the Upstream Supply Chain and Downstream Supply Chain Specialty Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel (SPAs)
7.3.5. Quick Response System (QRS)
8. UNIQLO Innovations
8.1. The Problems
8.1.1. First Problem: Does Size Matter?
8.1.2. Second Problem: Customer cannot purchase what they want in smaller stores
8.2. The Solution
8.2.1. Unique Body Scanning Machine (UBSM)
8.2.2. Unique Personal Digital Assistant (UPDA)
8.2.3. Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) Benefits of A Data Warehouse
8.2.4. Database Management System (DBMS)
8.2.5. Production and Operations Management (POM) Just-in-Time Systems (JITs)
8.3. The Results
8.3.1. Improving Shopping and Checkout
9. Story
10. References
This report is the review of UNIQLO, a leading casual apparel retailer in the world. UNIQLO is known for its high quality, fashionable clothes and affordable price. This report will discuss the reasons behind UNIQLO’s success, popularity and how it makes use of Information Technologies to compete among its competitors. This report is to examine the organization structure, value chain and UNIQLO’s competitor analysis. This report will discuss the history of UNIQLO, the characteristics of the Asia markets and the western countries retail industry. In addition, this report will also analyze the different types of management systems that UNIQUE had make use of to be competitive. Lastly, this report will discuss the potential innovative ways that UNIQLO can achieve its goal of becoming a global brand that transcends cultural boundaries

1. Introduction of UNIQLO
1.1 Company Overview
Established : May 1, 1963
Head Office : 717-1 Sayama, Yamaguchi City, Yamaguchi 754-0894, Japan
Tokyo Office : Midtown Tower, Akasaka 9-7-1, Minato-ku,
Tokyo 107-6231, Japan
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
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  • 분석을 실시했다.가. 미터스 본위(Meters Bonwe)미터스 본위는 1995년 중국 베이징에서 첫 오픈한 중국의 로컬 SPA 브랜드이다. 중국에서 널리 행해지던 생산기지는 교외에 두고 영업점포는 도시에 두는 ‘전점후창(前店后廠)’ 방식을 버리고, 과감히 생산과 판매를 외부업체에 맡기고 모든 자금을 고부가가치인 상품 디자인에 투자하는 경영방식을 채택함으로써 점차 성장했다. 현재 중국 전역에 4000개의 매장을 갖고 있으며, 높은 인지도를 구축하고 있다

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