영문 Mannequin 마네킹 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Mannequin Script
Ema Hesire, I know youre in there.
The wedding has been all arranged.
Please, gods. Please get me out of this.
You turned down the jeweler.
You turned down the grain merchant.
You turned down the Pharaohs food taster.
Theres only one man left wholl have you:
Youll marry Hazzi-Ra.
So what does he do?
Hes a fuel merchant.
-All right, so he sells camel dung.
-Forget it.
-You forget it.
Mother, I dont want to settle down.
I want to do things and invent things.
I want to try things
that nobodys ever tried before.
-I want to fly.
And I want to smoke
and tell your father to go to hell.
Emmy, if I thought we women...
...could any way change anything,
dont you think Id encourage you?
No. Dont. These are the times we live in.
Mother, theres got to be a better way.
Please, gods. Please help me find it.
Sure, the Nile is overflowing.
There is a wheat shortage.
The Pharaoh has hemorrhoids.
The gods have bigger things
to worry about than you.
What would you say if I told you,
you get more beautiful every day?
What was that?
Arms and legs?
God, how thoughtless. Im sorry.
"Ive got sunshine
"On a cloudy day
"When its cold--"
She needs a 10.
"Cold outside--"
What do you think?
Speak up. Dont be shy, now.
"I got the month of May"
Wrong sex!
Now, thats the ticket.
Nothing beats a great pair of legs.
"What can make me feel this way"
Popeye look.
"I got so much honey
"All the bees envy me
"I got the sweetest song that I can hear--"
Boss! Hi! Great.
I was just coming to see you.
You know, you could get
the dummy of the week award, Switcher.
-Yeah, she turned out pretty real.
-I wasnt talking about her.
What do you think?
It only took me six days.
I could turn out three or four a month.
Youre supposed to knock off
three or four of these a day, Switcher!
-Now, get back to work!
-What about quality, boss?
Style and grace. These things take time.
Thats it! Youre fired!
Okay, but can I finish her?
Im a sculptor. Im trying to be a sculptor
and shes my work of--
Beat it!
There you go.
Have fun.
You guys having a good time?
Having fun at the party?
Thats my boy.
Here you go.
Just one second. Here you go. Bye-bye.
Want a giraffe for the birthday boy?
A monkey?
A pony? A tiger?
-How about a hint?
-I want the big one, stupid.
Thats the official Flights of Fancy balloon.
How about a poodle?
Listen, biscuit-brain,
my old man is paying for this party.
One giant balloon, coming up.
There you go. Have fun.
Now, what do you want?
what the hell do you think youre doing?
Take your hands off my kid!
-My balloon!
-Youre fired.
-Trimming the hedges long, Switcher?
-Actually, no.
Im really a sculptor.
But theres not too much work
for us these days.
But no reason why hedges
cant become art.
Youre fired!
Get your paycheck and get out of here!
What do you think?
What do I think?
Im fired!
Pick up my paycheck and get out.
-Look. The road warrior.
-Hi, Roxie.
His Jags in the shop. Hi.
Itd be nice if youd pick me up
in something with doors.
-Come on.
-So where are we going to dinner?
Im not that hungry.
I thought maybe wed grab a hot dog,
go for a walk, look at the moon.
You lost your job again?
No, I didnt lose it, I know where it is.
Just somebody else has got it.
Can we get out of here?
-Good night, Mr. Wert.
-Nice work, children.
-Good night, B.J.
-See you tomorrow.
-Whos that?
-Thats B.J. Wert, the regional manager.
He is Illustra.
Can we get this bucket of junk to go?
Yeah, Im trying.
-Good night, Roxie.
-Good night.
Must be nice having your own limo.
Go from any funeral right to dinner.
This job at Illustra
is destroying your sense of humor.
You gotta quit.
Im not the one that cant deal with reality.
Reality is very disappointing.
I really do care about you.
But I think if we sleep together tonight,
wed only confuse things.
I think you should see a professional.
Professional? You mean a hooker?
No, a psychiatrist.
I cant afford a psychiatrist.
Then call one of those shrinks on the radio.
Theyre only good for little problems
that fit between commercials.
Good night.
My God! Its you!
I wanted to take you,
but they wouldnt let me.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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  • 대사(臺詞):대화, 독백※ ┌ 영화의 3요소:시나리오, 배우, 스크린└ 연극의 3요소:희곡, 배우, 관객5. 해설의식의 흐름(stream of consciousness):인물의 심리에 있어서 자유스러운 흐름을 표현하기 위해 정상적인 구문이나 문법을 무시하고 상징적인 이야기 전개를 통해서 심리 세계를 묘사하려는 것으로, 심층 심리의 탐구에 주력한 심리주의 계열의 작가들이 주로 사용하여 현대 소설의 영역을 확장시켰다. 제임스 조이스의 ‘율리시스’․‘젊은

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  • 대사) 자, 장구타령 노랫가락 개성난봉가 뭔가 없는 건 빼놓고 다 있습니다.에 또 눈물 콧물 막 쏟아지는 낙화유수, 자 단돈 십전 단돈 십전싸구려 싸구려 창가책이 싸구려 창가책이 싸구려 -‘낙화유수 호텔’ 1절• 이 노래의 제목이 ‘낙화유수 호텔’ 로 되어 있는 까닭은 이들 뜨내기 삼류 인생들이 머물고 있는 하숙집을 지칭하고 있는 듯하다. 식민지 시대를 배경으로 부유적인 삶을 살아가고 있는지 주변인의 구체적 정황이 눈물겹게 묘사되어

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