영문 NoWay Back 노 웨이 백 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,000원
Naver Naver로그인 Kakao Kakao로그인
최대 20페이지까지 미리보기 서비스를 제공합니다.
자료평가하면 구매금액의 3%지급!
이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
No Way Back Script
Chill! Chill!
Sayonara, baby.
Now, this guys a major sleazebag.
Youre the second girl today.
I dont know what he does with them,
so just expect to expect.
When youre getting ready, youll
naturally want to let your hair down.
So you just pull out this pin.
Its a radio transmitter with a range
of feet to cover a whole room.
Dont leave it in the kitchen
or the bedroom.
Drop it where
he does his business...
...where he takes his meetings
and makes his calls, right?
Its very important I get to know
who hes talking to and what about.
All right.
When you get to that point
of no return, excuse yourself.
You go to the ladies room, you pop
one of these pills to induce vomiting.
Itll only last a half a minute.
But no man will want you around...
...if he thinks youre gonna throw up
during orgasm. Okay?
Itll be a piece of cake.
Hell of a way to start a career, huh?
Or to end one.
Look, Seiko....
Maybe you shouldnt go.
No, I volunteered.
I can do this.
Im fine.
Im at your command, Mr. Grant.
Okay, looks like were on.
Redo her lips.
Okay, lets go.
Youre taking a big chance
with a rookie.
Yeah? Do I look worried?
You should.
The three strikes rule applies
to both sides of the law.
Yeah, well, a well-timed home run
can wipe the slate clean.
Youre certainly due one.
I certainly am.
All right.
Were on the elevator.
Sushi again?
Eat one now, hungry in an hour.
Lets go to work.
Let me know if we miss a spot.
For Gods sake, keep calm.
What is this
Japanese basket-fuck bullshit?
Its not real, its a bloody myth.
You mean, where the woman...
... is strapped to
a hanging bamboo basket...
...slowly lowered onto
her lovers erect penis...
...as the basket spins?
Its not a myth.
I like this girl.
Okay, okay.
Come on.
We havent done any father-
and-son thing in years.
What are you talking about?
Its just an hour drive.
We can be up at Griffith Lake by noon.
What do I get out of it?
Fresh air, scenery, nature.
Shitloads of nature.
What am I gonna do with nature?
You need this. I know I do.
Yeah, be just like old times.
Whats in the lake?
-Got any catfish?
Catfish? Sure, catfish.
Trout, you know it.
Just drop in a line,
youre bound to snag something.
Even an old geezer like you.
Shut your mouth, Victor.
Im not an old geezer.
Youll be eating fresh meat
for a month.
I hate the way fish smells.
I hate the way it smells too,
but well just box up what we catch...
...and ship it back.
Im pretty good at crating things up.
Sure. Maybe next time
you should just belt him.
Hey, look, you do things your way.
Subtletys not my style.
Who do you think youre talking to?
Guys with style draw
a lot of attention...
... even when they go fishing
with their fathers.
So whats it gonna be?
Of course theyll be with me.
My scalps are always with me.
Im busy.
-You sure?
-Next time.
-Have fun.
I must say...
...the Japanese do get
a few things right.
No, no, no. Stay there.
Thats the perfect position to start.
May I please use your restroom?
Dont keep me waiting.
Here we go. Here we go.
Now drop the pin and take the pill.
Come on.
Drop the fucking pin
and take the pill.
-Somethings wrong. No signal.
-She may be in trouble.
Im going up.
Brodie, get me emergency services.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
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