영문 TheIce Rink 아이스링크 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Trucks are parked on the parking lot of an ice rink. Flemish technicians, grips and electricians, talk together while unloading the equipment, lamps, cables, tracks. They spread it out on the parking lot, take some lamps into the rink. The four technicians all wear the same black T-shirt with an inscription in Dutch.
A few cars arrive, belonging to the film crew (cinematographer, sound engineer). They get out, say hello to each other, wait around on the parking lot.
An old broken down bus, very East European looking, with curtains in the windows, parks in the parking lot. Twenty or so men get out with sports bags, hockey sticks, helmets. They enter the ice rink guided by two production assistants who greet them and show them the way, walkie-talkies held to their ears.
A small convertible enters the parking lot, carrying the director and his assistant.
The car stops. The director and his assistant get out of the car, shake a few hands. A TV reporter precedes them, filming them with a hand-held camera.
Escorted by assistants, they go over to a limousine which is parking on the lot.
The directors assistant tries to open the door of the limousine, is unsuccessful.
An assistant, very much in a hurry, runs back into the ice rink while another shouts orders into his walkie-talkie.
Outside the limousine, everyone tries to open the door, knocks on the windows. The occupant of the limousine, the star of the film, an American, wearing dark glasses, a white teeshirt, and a leather jacket, puts his head out the window. Everyone says hello to him respectfully. They signal to him, ask him to try to open the door from the inside. The grips approach, try to unjam the door. Nothing works. Finally the grips set up a small platform in front of the window. The star of the film climbs cautiously out of the limousine window.
Escorted by the writer-director, the star of the film enters the ice rink, preceded by the TV reporter who films them.
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