영문 The Beautiful Country 아름다운 나라 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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The Beautiful Country Script
We should get married.
Our ages are well-matched.
You want someone
to make you dinner every day.
That was the idea.
What do I get out of it?
It will be a good arrangement.
I will be like a father to your children.
Everyone will have enough to eat,
even pig face here.
Why is he so grouchy?
If you marry me, Ill fix up the house.
You have to clean it!
I need it tonight.
Hurry! The celebration starts soon!
...since the liberation, significant progress
has been made in the spirit of Ho Chi Minh.
Will you marry Pham?
Who knows?
What did my mother say about the GI?
Your father?
Why do you ask now?
- She must have said something.
- She cried about him.
Thats all?
He had very big feet.
First, he tracks dirt all over the house...
then he takes off his leather shoes.
He puts up his big feet
so that everyone can see.
Is she alive?
If she marries Pham...
there wont be room for you.
She is alive.
In the big city.
- Why are you always angry with him?
- I cant bear the sight of him.
Hes not one of us. I dont know why
he doesnt go to where he belongs.
And for my forefathers,
I pray for their souls...
and that we someday will be united.
For myself, I ask that my actions
will not harm others.
I do not leave with a bitter heart...
but with hope that I will have a better future.
Youre Bui Doi, arent you?
Go home. Theres nothing for you here.
Consider yourself lucky.
Im looking for Mai.
She used to work here.
Shes my mother.
Does Mai live here?
Go away, beggar!
I know you.
You are very big, my brother.
Where is Mother?
Shes at work...
in the big house.
If you have a problem,
dont bother our guests with it.
Mai! You dont work
in the dining room anymore.
Give me your uniform. Hurry.
Good evening. Do you know who I am?
Its me.
Its Binh.
I am so sorry, my son.
Will you wait?
Thank you.
Youre hungry?
What are you thinking?
I am thinking...
that I dont know you.
You know, we were married...
in a church.
He was Christian?
He never said...
but he wanted a priest.
Where is he? What happened to him?
He was here one day...
then he was gone.
Just like that.
He was just gone.
It was a hard time for everyone.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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