영문 JungleFever 정글 피버 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Jungle Fever Script
Ive got jungle fever
Shes got jungle fever
Weve got jungle fever
Were in love
Shes gone black-boy crazy
Ive gone white-girl hazy
Aint no thinking maybe
Were in love
Shes got jungle fever
Ive got jungle fever
Weve got jungle fever
Were in love
Ive gone white-girl crazy
Shes gone black-boy hazy
Were each others baby
Were in love
Ive got jungle fever
Shes got jungle fever
Weve got jungle fever
Were in love
Shes gone black-boy crazy
Ive gone white-girl hazy
Aint no thinking maybe
Were in love
She cant love me
I cant love her
Cause they say
Were the wrong color
Staring, gloating,
Laughing, looking
Like weve
done something wrong
Because we show love strong
Get real, come on
Calling us names
too bad to mention
But we pay them
no attention
For color-blind
are inner feelings
If we feel happiness
And know our loves the best
Forget their mess
Ive got jungle fever
Shes got jungle fever
Weve got jungle fever
Were in love
Shes gone black-boy crazy
Ive gone white-girl hazy
Aint no thinking maybe
Were in love
Shes got jungle fever
Ive got jungle fever
Weve got jungle fever
Were in love
Ive gone white-girl crazy
Shes gone black-boy hazy
Were each others baby
Were in love
on the drums man
Ive got jungle fever
Shes got jungle fever
Weve got jungle fever
Were in love
Shes gone black-boy crazy
Ive gone white-girl hazy
Aint no thinking maybe
Were in love
Shes got jungle fever
Ive got jungle fever
Weve got jungle fever
Were in love
Ive gone white-girl crazy
Shes gone black-boy hazy
Were each others baby
Were in love
Oh, shit.
Right there, right there.
Oh, God, oh.
Dont wake the baby!
Dont wake the baby!
Dont wake the baby!
You know you probably
woke up Ming again.
Why do you always
say that?
Because you always
wake her up.
Im not the vocal one,
- You are.
- Baby, I cant believe you said that.
Every day we go
through the same thing.
You make too much noise.
I love it, but you make a lot of noise.
I was very quiet.
Ming? Ming!
youre gonna be late for school.
Wake up.
Wake up, wake up, wake up!
I know youre faking.
I can see your eyes moving.
Last chance.
One, two, three.
Thats it.
Wake up, wake up,
wake up, wake up.
- Daddy, why did you do that?
- Because you were faking.
Thats why and
youre gonna be late.
- Good morning. How are you?
- Fine.
- How did you sleep?
- Fine.
Good, okay.
Put your slippers on.
You go to the bathroom, brush
your teeth and wash your face.
Mommyll be here
to do your hair.
And this is what
youre gonna wear, okay?
- Yes.
- See you later. High five.
- Psych.
- Thats not fair.
- Morning.
- Morning.
- Good morning, baby. Watch your hand.
- Morning.
Daddy, why do you
always hurting Mommy?
Eat your oatmeal.
Mommys always screaming
like youre hurting her.
Eat your oatmeal,
Honey, you know what?
- Remember how we go to school
and feed the pigeons?
- Yes.
Remember the sparrow was biting
that other sparrow on the booty...
- And I said...
- I remember.
And the squirrels with the
peanuts were biting each other?
- I think so.
- I said it was a spring thing.
- I remember.
- Mating season.
Well, baby, thats what
your mom and dad are doing.
Were making love.
I know, I was testing you
if youd tell me the truth.
You knew.
You little smarty.
You are too smart
for your age.
- Mommy and Daddy...
- Eat your oatmeal.
You doing it to be doing it or
are you trying to make a baby?
- Eat your oatmeal.
- I would like a baby brother.
So you feel full?
Yeah, that oatmeal
is filling.
How do you like it?
Im kinda
tired of oatmeal.
- Im tired of oatmeal myself.
- You never eat your oatmeal.
Yeah, cause
Im tired of it.
- We should have Mommy
fix something different.
- We should tell her tomorrow.
You think that I dont
know that you be awake.
That you have your door open
every morning, listening.
Youre trying to jive me
to think youre asleep.
I know whats going on.
You know that?
- Nothing gets past you.
- Nothing gets past me.
Okay, baby, here.
I love you
so much, mmmm!
- Have a nice day, okay?
- Okay.
- Tell Mrs. Jones I said hello.
Bye, baby.
- Okay. Bye.
This is Fun Day
On a fine day
When the air is filled
with tweeting birds
That sing together
in the sun
This is your day
- Whered you temp before?
- I worked in a law firm.
- Could you wait here?
- Sure.
Hey, Flip.
- Good tie, nice ensemble. Very sharp.
- Thank you, Jerry.
Tonys work is awful.
Hes got this elevator shaft six inches
off where it is supposed to be.
We caught that.
Listen, we have somebody
we want you to meet.
She comes
highly recommended.
- This is Angela Tucci.
Shes gonna be replacing Terri.
- Hi.
- What?
- Shell be replacing Terri.
- Glad to meet you.
- Nice to meet you too.
Im looking forward
to working for you.
We explained to the temp service
how hardworking Terri was.
- Said give us the best you got.
- And here she is.
Listen, just call me Angie.
I dont like Angela.
- Angie it is.
- Okay.
- You dont have a problem
with this, do you, Flip?
- No, no.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
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  • 영화적인 부분과 유사점을 찾을 수 있다. 말을 할 때에 힘을 안 주고 말을 하는데, 조용하고, 일상적인 연기를 하면서 어떻게 극을 지루하지 않게 이끌어가나 하는 전체적인 안배나 리듬을 신경을 많이 썼다. 특히 소리에 많은 신경을 썼는데, 비쥬얼하기보다는 청각적으로 대사와 라디오에서 나오는 소리와 그런 것들이 조화되게 신경을 썼다. 이 연극은 실제 보는 연극이라기보다는 듣는 연극이다. 볼거리는 솔직히 별로 없다. 그냥 앉아서 주저리주저

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  • FILE:CANNE.TXT칸느 영화제 (Cannes Film Featival)해마다 5월에 2주간 프랑스 남해안 리비에라의 휴양지 칸느 에서 개최되는 칸느 영화제는, 유럽3대 영화제인 칸느, 베를린, 베니스 중에서도 최고권위의 영화제로 인정을 받고 있다.원래 칸느 영화제는 1939년에 시작을 하기는 했으나, 나치 독일의 폴란드 침공으로 시작된 2차대전으로 끝내지도 못하였다. 그리고 1946년에 가서야 재개가 되었다.1회는 프랑스 정부가 개최하는 일종의 국제 영화축제 같은 형식

  • [영화]정성일씨의 영화관람석
  • FILE:HKR-RW.HWP93/3/6(토)(1993) / 감독: 존 아미엘만일 의 `완전한 남자주인공과 의 신경쇠약 직전의 여자주인공이 만나는 영화라면 그건 어떤 모습이 될까? 비록 줄리아 로버츠나 앤터니 홉킨스는 없지만 존 아미엘 감독의 는 재치있고 솜씨좋은 모자이크다.남북전쟁이 끝나고 작은 마을에 잭 서머스비(리처드 기어)가 돌아온다. 마을 사람들은 반기고, 그를 기다리던 아내 로렐(조디 포스터)도 포옹

  • 스크린 속에 비춰진 인간의 심리 - 심리학, 그것이 알고 싶다,사람속으로
  • 정글피버>이 영화를 관통하는 주제는 인종편견이다. 미국 영화에서 흑인과 백인간의 사랑은 금기시 되고 있으나 이를 정면으로 들고나와 인종차별의 문제를 고발하고 있다. 이 영화에서 다루고 있는 백인여자와 흑인남자간의 정사는 흑인여자와 백인남자간으 정사보다 특히 더 강하게 거부된다. 이영화를 제외하고 흑인과 백인이 사랑에 빠져 성관게를 갖는 영화를 본 기억이 있는가? 아마도 없을 것이다. 우리나라에서는 지역편견이 고질병으로 남아

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