영문 George Of The Jungle 조지 오브 정글 영화 대사

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  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 56페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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George Of The Jungle Script
Deep in the heart of Africa is a place no man has ever entered.
A place that belongs to the lion, the elephant and the ape.
A place known as the Bukuvu.
Travellers flying overhead can only glimpse at its many marvels:
its sparkling rivers...
its lush veldts, its billowy cloud formations...
and its hidden mountains.
- Never fear, my friends. - George! - George!
- All was not lost. - George!
Scraped and boo-booed, they searched high and low...
but they never recovered their most precious cargo.
George, George George of the Jungle
Strong as he can be
Watch out for that tree
George, George George of the Jungle
Lives a life thats free
Watch out for that tree
When he gets in a scrape he makes his escape
With help from his friend an ape named Ape
And his elephant Shep can fetch a log
Hes mans best friend Hes Georges dog
Hes George, George George of the Jungle
Strong as he can be
Watch out for that tree
Hear him holler swing and sing
All the animals come to the jungle king
George, George George of the Jungle
George, George George of the Jungle
So grab a vine and swing in time
If you smack a tree just pay no mind
Like George, George George of the Jungle
Strong as he can be
Watch out for that tree
Watch out for that-- Bang! Ooh! Tree
George, George George of the Jungle
Watch out for that tree
Twenty-five years later, the bouncing baby boy...
has grown into a swinging jungle king.
He is swift. He is strong.
He is sure. He is smart.
He is unconscious.
Meanwhile, vines away...
Georges kingdom was being threatened by a terrifying intruder.
Hi, everybody. Me again.
Third day in Mbwebwe. Look at this incredible--
- Banyan tree. - Banyan tree. And look whats in it.
Could you die?
And over here...
is the outhouse, which you dont want to see, believe me.
By the way, Betsy, thank you so much for those moist towelettes.
Theyve been a lifesaver.
And these are the wonderful porters. Wave, guys.
And this is our guide, Mr Kwame.
Without him, we would be lost. Hi.
This is great.
- And this is Lyle. - Hello, Bujumburans.
- What are you doing here? - What kind of greeting is that to give your fiance?
- Arent you happy to see me? - Yeah, of course I am.
The jungle loves you. Youre beautiful.
- How did you find me? - Well, I just hired the two best trackers in the business.
Ah, Im chafing, Max. Ah, yeah, Im chafing big time.
Didnt I tell you not to wear pounds of black leather in the jungle?
- Didnt I tell ya? - Ah.
Cotton, I said. Cotton breathes.
Take my things to the ladys tent and shake a leg.
Later that night, Lyle Van de Groot lost no time in making arrangements...
-to whisk his wayward fiancee back home. -All right, Ill take it, Ill take it.
Nairobi Hilton. They can airlift us there in two hours.
Pillows, okay?
Wait a second. Im losing you. Bad reception here.
Okay, Ive got you back. No, wait! Im losing you!
My batteries are dead! No! Doody!
I dont want to go anyway, Lyle. Tomorrow were gonna....
climb the mountain where the big apes are. Dont you wanna see them?
Only if they can shake a good gin martini without bruising it. Hiyo!
Me and Thor here would be happy to help you and the lady up the mountain, Mr Van de Groot.
- Yeah. - With Mr Kwame leading the way, of course.
If you dont mind me saying so, the apes...
are supposed to be a fascinating sight, especially that white ape.
White ape? Whats that?
Ask Mr Kwame. I bet he can tell you.
- It is only a native legend. - Could you please tell us?
The people say he is over seven feet tall...
with the strength of a lion.
When the moon is full and the air is sweet...
he wanders alone through the jungle...
piercing the silence of the valley with his mournful call.
Now, some say he is thirsty for blood.
Others say he is calling for the mate that he longs for...
but will never find.
By day, he rules the entire Bukuvu from the top of the mountain.
But by night--
He and Bigfoot run the candy counter at the Bukuvu Cineplex.
Now playing on all screens:
Planet of the Apes.
Bigfoot? Max, thatd be worth a lot more than any white--
- Ursula, what are we doing here? - Lyle, I came all this way--
Okay, okay. The things I do for you.
Looks like were on, fellows.
As the sun rose over Ape Mountain...
its agitated inhabitants sent an urgent message to George by bongo-gram...
warning the jungle king that intruders were close afoot.
Ooh. Lyle, listen. What was that?
Could be the mating call of the white ape.
Huh. White ape. Sounds like a drink.
Uh, yes, bartender. Ill have two Black Russians and a white ape.
A drink the venal Van de Groot would be begging to imbibe...
if he only knew how near the white ape was at that very moment...
flying through the foliage, surveying the scenery, cruising in...
for a closer look and swinging on through the trees with effortless ease.
And so, onward and upward the tired trekkers trudged...
on feverish footsies over perilous paths.
When they finally beheld the mighty Ape Mountain, they reacted with awe.
- Aww. - I said "awe." A-W-E.
- Oo
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