영문 8 Women 8명의 여인들 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 38페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
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8 Women Script
Im going in, mam.
Suzon! My granddaughter.
Were you sleeping? -No, just resting.
Im happy to see you at Christmas. -So am I.
How are your legs? -Every day its different.
Being old is horrible.
The pain is not the worst thing. Its being dependent on others,
being a nuisance.
Dont say that. You know we love you.
As a family you care for each other.
Dear Suzon!
Chanel! -You are here.
Fat Chanel! -As fat as ever.
The weather is awful. -How nice to see Suzon again!
Isnt she looking nice?
Fit for marriage. -I think so too.
The sooner the better! -Your father will be happy to see you.
Does he know already? -He didnt want anyone to wake him.
What? Daddy is still sleeping?
He has been working in his room all night.
Im so happy to be home. This wonderful house.
Your old house!
All that snow makes me think we are in Siberia.
Its terribly annoying.
Luckily we have a telephone and a car.
Meet Louise, our new chambermaid.
Hello, Louise. -Hello, miss.
Had a nice journey? -Yes, thank you. Except for that snow.
Shall I wake your husband?
No not for while... -Can I?
No, better leave him. He didnt want anyone to wake him.
Will there be anything else?
No, thank you, Louise.
Where is that girl from?
From around here, I believe.
Shes great! Im very lucky to have found her.
And shes willing to stay here for the entire winter. We were lucky.
Aunt Augustine! You look tired. How are you?
Same as ever. This taricardia is killing me.
Its tachycardia, aunt... -Oh well...
Its freezing with all this snow. Are you back already?
You were kicked out of school?
No, Ive come home for Christmas. Im getting good grades.
Yes, your mother showed them. But grades can be forged.
That wasnt very nice.
Cant I ask my niece if she is trying her best?
Of course you can. Everything is going fine.
At least someone is happy. -Are you talking about me?
Im merely saying my daughter is happy. -Is that all?
Girls girls, quit it! Augustine, you are exagerating.
We have nothing to complain. Gaby has always cared for us.
Not the same as our own home, but its thanks to her...
No its not! Its thanks to your father, Suzon.
He respected your old and, sick grandmother...
and a woman of virtue, just like me.
Thanks to Marcel... -Thanks to both of us, of course.
Dont be so bitter.
You know we love you. Youre not being nice.
Members of a family support each other regardless of all their imperfections.
Coffees here.
Ah! Warm brioches! And I always get toast.
Everyone does, juffrouw Augustine.
Those brioches are my welcome present for Suzon.
Take one. -Thanks. I love them.
I have some chocolate in my room. Tastes even better together.
We must indulge her. Augustine is like a child.
Nice of your mother to tolerate her moods.
You call that moods. I call it rudeness.
But Marcel tolerates her...
Daddy is admirable, and tolerance is a rare virtue.
Very true. And hes always in a good mood.
Even now business is not going so well. -Oh, really?
You know more about his worries than me.
I stay out of it, and I like to keep it that way.
I have my problems and he has his.
A while ago I asked some advice about selling some of my shares and he said...
You sold your shares? -No.
He advised me to wait.
Yes, keep them. You never know.
Guess who? -Catherine!
Little Catherine!
Watch out for my legs. -Sorry, Mamy.
Shes so full of energy.
You rather have her become like aunt Augustine?
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
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