영문 Everyday People 에브리데이 피플 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 구매가격
  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Everyday People Script
- Morning, Allen.
- Morning.
Whats up, Paul?
I know.
Ill have the check waiting
for you here tomorrow. Exactly. Bye.
- Coffee, please.
- Egg white.
- Joleen, hows it going out here?
- Pretty good, a little slow.
- Side work all done?
- Yes.
- Because you know, if youre leaning...
- I could be cleaning. I got you.
- Ira, may I speak with you for a minute?
- Whats up, Arthur?
- Hey, Howard. Hows it going?
- Good, thanks.
Do me a favor and take that around back.
- You got it.
- Thanks, Howard.
What were you saying?
I had a chance
to think things over last night, Ira.
To be frank, I wish you had consulted me
when you were considering this deal.
- I mightve had some other way to go with it.
- There is no other way to go with it, Arthur.
- Were selling the place, period.
- But, Ira...
You see the register totals, right?
You count the dinners.
If it wasnt for breakfast,
it wouldnt even have lasted this long.
- This isnt a big surprise.
- Unfortunately, it was to me.
If there was something I could have done
to stave this off, I would have by now.
Im not happy about it, either,
but its a done deal. Im sorry.
When are you telling the wait staff?
I called a meeting for this morning.
Good. Ill check in with you later.
- Whats up, Samel?
- All right.
Benita, dont play.
Im trying to read over here.
- So read, Im not stopping you.
- Just eat your breakfast.
Its dry. Its too many raisins.
Then push the raisins to the side.
Add some more milk.
You want me to bust you on your head?
- Eat the food. Im not playing.
- Youre not my boss.
You wanna tell Mom that
when she comes back from the bathroom?
- No.
- Then shut up and eat.
- You guys ready?
- Hi, Mommy.
- Nita, is that all youre gonna eat?
- Im not hungry.
I have to get to work.
Will you make sure
Benita catches a bus before your shift?
Samel, you gonna
make that phone call today?
- Yeah, whatever.
- Dont whatever me. You hear me, Samel?
I hear you, Shirley. Im sorry.
All right. Ill see you guys later on at home.
Love you.
- You better make that phone call.
- Shut up.
- Whats up, Joleen?
- Hi, Ali, how you doing?
Life is sweet, baby, you know.
Erins working the counter.
Yeah? How you know I came to see her?
Stop it.
- Lf you want me to, Ill see you around.
- All right.
What up, E?
- I hit you.
- I never got it.
That must have cause I was in the studio.
You know, insulation and shit.
I was wondering why you aint hit me back.
Come here.
Come here.
Whats up? You eat?
I had some toast when I got here.
Toast. Tell you about
that skinny-white-girl shit.
Better get up off it,
get some eggs in your system...
Ali, I got a mom, all right?
I do not need another one, believe me.
Yeah, the trains is mad tangled up out there.
Took me forever to get up over here.
I got to find somebody to help me
move my shit over your place next week.
Somebody with a van or something.
Next week?
I thought you said, like, in like a month.
I said that a month ago, Ali.
Right, yeah. Okay.
Whats going on?
Tell me. Dont play me, Ali.
I can tell something is going on.
I dont know, E.
Im tired, Im feeling a little way.
I mean, Im feeling a little way.
Im feeling like...
I dont know if Im ready
to be shacking up and shit, you know?
- I knew it.
- Come on.
- I knew it.
- Im saying.
Im not saying it all cant happen.
It can still happen, Im just saying.
Can we talk about this later? Come on.
Fine. I get off at : .
Pick me up then and we can talk.
I got to go to a floor meeting.
Thats some rotten shit. Why isnt he here?
Why isnt his ass sitting up in here?
Because I hired everyone
and we felt that I should talk to you all.
Now, in terms of the particulars.
- Hes thinking that perhaps...
- You dont have to give me no particulars.
I dont have a job!
How much more particular
does it need to get?
- I cant believe this.
- Are we getting anything?
- Is he giving us something?
- Now, just...
Hes gonna give us
a subway token and a handshake.
Hes gonna give us
a subway token and a handshake.
- Hasta la vista, baby.
- Whats going on?
There will be references for everyone
whos been here a certain period of time.
What do I need a reference from him for?
Talk about money.
Excuse me, Arthur. But when is this
gonna happen? Is this immediate?
- Three to four weeks.
- Three weeks? Thats cold, man.
- The place is closing?
- Im putting three kids through school.
Im in just about the same boat as you.
- Please. You think were stupid?
- Whatd you say to Ira?
When he was telling you all this,
whatd you say to him?
I asked the same questions
you all are asking.
I tried to find a way out.
I pressed him about the possibility
of getting set up...
with some other restaurants and such,
but for now this is all I know.
Wait, setting us up where?
Work for some other Jew bastard?
I dont think so.
You dont got to get
all anti-Semitic up in here. Come on.
The man is trying his best
to handle this in a respectful manner.
I dont think its appropriate for you...
Arthur, you are always speaking up for him
and his fathe
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
  • 컨소시엄 이미지메이킹과 자기관리 족보
  • 영화배우 맷 데이먼은 물 부족 사태의 심각성을 홍보하기 위해, 유니세프(UNICEF) 홍보 대사인 가수 샤키라는 청소년 교육 문제를 다루기 위해 참석할 예정이다.이번이 첫 다보스포럼 참석인 시진핑 주석은 중국의 대표적인 기업인 100여명과 함께 참석한다. 개인 재산 35억달러로 중국 부호 1위인 마윈 알리바바 회장과 2위인 왕젠린 완다그룹 회장, 화웨이그룹 쑨야팡 회장 등이다. 시 주석 등 중국 대표단은 이번 포럼에서 도널드 트럼프 미국 대통령 당

  • 국외 연수 보고서(평생교육)
  • 영화(Animation in Motion)3대가 함께(Art for Mommy, Daddy, Grandparents and Me)10대를 위한 아트포트폴리오(Art Portfolios for Teens)베이비시팅(Babysitting) 발레(Ballet)바톤돌리기(Baton Twirling) 벌레(Bugs, Bugs, Bugs)만화 그리기(Cartooning and Comic Book Art) 합창(Youth Choir)치어리더응원(Cheerleadering) 어린이요리(Cooking for Kids)어린이공예(Crafts for Kids)아빠와 함께 발렌타인춤을(Daddy/Daughter Vallentine Dance)어린이댄스(Dance for Children) 그림그리기(Drawing and Painting)스

  • [마케팅] 27가지 마케팅 성공 사례와 실패 사례
  • 영문 이니셜을 딴 이름이다. @세대로도 불린다.여기에는 중고생들에게는 삐삐, 20대 안팎은 이동전화가 필수품처럼 애용되고 있는 현실이 짙게 투영돼 있다.N세대들은 휴대폰도 그냥 쓰지 않는다. 휴대폰을 투명한 케이스로 재단장한 누드 폰, 자판기 스티커로 휴대폰을 온통 장식한 스티커 폰, 작고 가벼운 휴대폰을 목에 걸고 쓰는 목걸이 폰 등이 유행처럼 번지고 있다. 30~40대의 이른바 386세대들은 이해하지 못할 일들이다.젊은이들의 휴대폰 이용

  • [인문사회] 영국문학개관
  • 대사에서 그녀는 And may He have mercy on my soul, Nora, and on the soul of every one is left living in the world.라고 하여 그녀의 가족들뿐만 아니라 이 세상에 살아 남아 있는 모든 사람들의 영혼에 하나님의 축복과 자비가 있기를 간구하고 있는 것에서도 이 점을 짐작할 수 있다. 삶과 죽음을 대조시켜 묘사하려는 Synge의 의도는 가족 중 남자 일곱 명이 모두 바다에 나가 죽음을 당하자 감당하기 어려울 만큼 엄청난 슬픔으로 인하여 아예 넋을 잃어버리고 집안 일뿐만

  • [마케팅] [마케팅원론]마케팅 성공사례와 실패사례 조사(A+리포트)
  • 영문 이니셜을 딴 이름이다. @세대로도 불린다.여기에는 중고생들에게는 삐삐, 20대 안팎은 이동전화가 필수품처럼 애용되고 있는 현실이 짙게 투영돼 있다.N세대들은 휴대폰도 그냥 쓰지 않는다. 휴대폰을 투명한 케이스로 재단장한 누드 폰, 자판기 스티커로 휴대폰을 온통 장식한 스티커 폰, 작고 가벼운 휴대폰을 목에 걸고 쓰는 목걸이 폰 등이 유행처럼 번지고 있다. 30~40대의 이른바 386세대들은 이해하지 못할 일들이다.젊은이들의 휴대폰 이용

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