영문 Hellraiser Bloodline헬 레이저 영화 대사

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  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
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Hellraiser: Bloodline Script
Moving to new frequency. Solar interference.
Incoming transport detected.
Docking procedures engaged.
Thermal sensors detect
humanoids, level .
Humanoids advancing,
deck .
Long wait, demon,
for such a short game.
Now curiosity is satisfied.
And its time...
for revenge.
Dr. Merchant,
consider yourself relieved.
What else, Chamberlain?
Hes rerouted all available power
to his personal quarters...
and hes shut down
most of the ship.
I want you to check everything out
and find out why.
Yes, sir.
So, we have the companys
most productive space station...
hijacked and taken out of orbit
by the man who built it.
We have the man himself
immersed in ancient history,
letting the whole place
go to shit.
- Evaluation?
- Wacko.
I wasnt asking you, Carducci.
I was asking the expert.
Well, Rimmer?
Great man didnt live up
to your expectations, did he?
Im sure he will, sir, as soon as I
can begin my interrogation.
Wheres your crew?
I made them leave. Theyre headed for
Earth. Look, time is of the essence.
Was there some
technical problem?
No. Yes.
Yes, thats it.
Theres been a technical
problem, and you...
all of you have to get the fuck
off this station right now.
- When we go, you come with us.
- No, you dont understand.
Help me, then.
Whats your name?
Im playing the endgame
here, Rimmer,
finishing something
that began centuries ago,
and I dont have the time
to help you understand.
You dont know
what youre playing with.
What are you afraid of?
Whatever it is,
its here...
in this station.
That and things your little
rational mind couldnt even dream of.
But I dream.
Oh, I dream.
Parker was right.
You are crazy.
I built this place
for a reason:
To create the biggest trap
in the galaxy.
- What did you expect to catch?
- Hell is what Im going to catch.
And Im going to burn it away
in a blaze of light.
Youre serious,
arent you?
If I tell you
the whole story,
will you let me finish
what I began?
Centuries ago,
a man, an ancestor of mine,
Phillip LMerchant,
built a puzzle box,
the first box,
his finest work.
Commissioned by a wealthy
aristocrat named De L Isle,
a man obsessed
with black magic,
a leader of the occult.
Phillip was so proud
of his work,
a work that would
establish his name,
his family... my family.
He didnt know the great power
the box held...
and the unspeakable things
it would release...
the evil,
the sins,
the pain.
- Is it done?
- Done.
- Is it wonderful?
- Wonderful.
Are you brilliant?
The finest toy maker in France.
Oh, what does it do?
Oh. It doesnt
actually do anything.
Its my masterpiece.
You simply
couldnt understand.
I was working to a commission
to a very specific request.
Its almost midnight.
Where are you going?
- The Chateau De LIsle, to deliver the box.
- Now? Why?
Because my work might be
appreciated there.
Its late.
Stay with me.
Stay with us.
I must go.
My son will be born
in a better place than this.
This is only the beginning.
I can feel it.
All alone in this
dark, dark world.
No home, no family.
Not even christened,
I understand.
show this child
to a chair.
Id be mortified if you
sliced your little finger.
Such a gentleman.
Are you always
such a gentleman?
Not always.
Monsieur De L Isle is
Frances greatest magician.
- What is this?
- So you dont bruise.
Easy, Jacques.
Keep the pressure steady.
She has spirit.
Now we can begin.
Ahh, LMerchant.
As precise as your pieces.
As timely as your toys.
And where is the box?
Pay him, Jacques.
Thank you.
Good night, toy maker.
Take her in
to the laboratory.
Find the right instrument.
We must make a clean...
so that we can
remove the innards...
so we can replace
the flesh again.
Yes, the gizzard.
Well scrub this.
Now we can raise her up
off the ground.
Thats it.
Walk now amongst us!
- My God.
- Fear not, Jacques.
Remember your lessons.
A summoned demon
is yours to command.
Unless you stand
in hells way.
He who summons the magic...
commands the magic.
You are...
He who summons the magic...
Commands the magic.
Tis no story, Auguste.
I saw what I saw,
heard what I heard.
The box opens
the doors to hell.
This is the th century,
Phillip, not the dark ages.
The world is ruled
by reason.
We even got rid of God.
And if there is no heaven,
then it follows reasonably...
that there is no hell.
I was at its very window
last night!
Very well.
Suppose, for the sake of argument,
that what you fear happened
has happened.
A box that can open the gates of hell
must be able to close them.
The box belongs to people with
little interest in closing such doors.
Well, then the solution
lies literally in your hands.
Youve designed a machine
that you fear can bring forth demons.
- Yes.
- Then design a machine that can destroy them.
Phillip had the design.
That design.
It seemed an impossible task.
But he had to try,
try something.
And his only hope
was to steal the box,
the puzzle box that he had created
with his own hands.
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회원 추천자료
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  • From Hell ScriptOminous instrumental musicMatch strikingEerie flute musicDramatic instrumental musicDramatic music crescendosTrain whistle blowsMen and women talkingMAN: Get out of here!Man yellingHorse neighingSheep bleatingWOMAN:Youre taking all our money again.Woman yellingMan urinatingThats better.WOMAN: Youll feel betterwhen you get home.ShoutingKATE: Theres one over there.POLLY: Gonna be a long night, Mary.MARY: Too bloody long.Loud chatteringRowdy laughterANNIE: Its quiet, isnt it?You having any luck?MARY: Not much, love.M

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  • 영화는 이우진도 이해해 주세요. 그 사랑도 용서해주세요.허나 좀 미쳐 있어요. 그래도 심장도 나쁘고 곧 죽을 꺼예요. 미워만 하긴 좀 불쌍한 사람에요. 에 설득 당한건 아닌지? - 이게 내가 불쾌했던 점의 핵심일지도 모른다. “그에게 연민을 느껴주세요.” 라는 강요된 주문을 받아드려주기에는 그의 갈등과 괴로움의 시작부터 뒤틀려 있기 때문이였다.)이우진은 모든것을 알게된 오대수의 행동을 무척 기대하면서 그날을 기다리는 인물로 그려진

  • [영화산업] 한국영화 투자계획서
  • 목 차 영화산업의 구조 한국영화의 현 추세 2003년도 개봉편수 및 관객수 2003년도 영화 추세정리 9가지 항목 3가지 영화의 비교 분석 투자자 입장에서의 선택 한국영화의 전망●영화 산업의 구조영화 제작 유통 보급 등에 있어서 배급사 투자사 제작사를 빼놓고 이야기 할 수는 없다.제작사는 말 그대로 좋은 시나리오를 골라말 그대로 영화를 제작하는 기업이다. 현재 시네마서비스, 싸이더스(구. 우노필름), 명필름, 좋은영화의 4

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