영문 Eat Drink Man Woman 음식남녀 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 4,000원
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Eat Drink Man Woman Script
Hello? Have you eaten? Not yet?
Just throw together some noodles
for lunch.
That fish is excellent.
Dont roast it. That would be a pity.
It just needs to be slightly steamed.
Dont add any salt!
Whatever you do, no salt!
Salt dries the fish, and it wont be tender.
Just get a pot of boiling water,
and put salt around the plate.
If not today,
then when will we talk about it?
Small coke, three chickens?
Thatll be yuan.
-I ordered chicken!
-That is chicken!
I cant cover for you today.
Guo-Lun is taking me to the beach.
You have to! Fatherll kill me
if Im late for Sunday dinner again.
And I thought you and Guo-Lun broke up!
We did.
I just want to torture him a bit more.
Then torture him
by keeping him waiting an hour.
-Hurry up!
-Great idea!
-Hows the new boyfriend?
Hi, Jia-Chien.
Still working on a Sunday afternoon?
New boyfriends okay, pretty quiet.
Especially after Bo-Kang.
Sounds good.
Lets get together later?
Dont work so hard!
-Thanks, but Im seeing Raymond later.
What does that mean?
The difference between Christians
and ordinary people...
...is not only do we have eternal hope...
...but we also rely on God...
...to give us wisdom
to overcome our difficulties...
...and to give us joyfulness and peace
to settle our frustrations.
You okay?
Yeah. Just a little wound up.
Work, you know,
and I just closed on the new apartment.
All my savings...
...but itll be worth it
to get out of that house.
That was wonderful.
-Better than when we were together.
-Its much easier like this.
We were a disaster as a couple.
All that shouting and fighting.
You want to come down
to my gallery now?
A new woman artist. Youd like her work.
I have to get home
for the Sunday dinner torture ritual.
Punch your time card.
-Change my Sunday schedule, please?
-Ill see what I can do.
Hi, Guo-Lun.
-Im Chu Jia-Ning.
Rachel asked me to tell you
shell be an hour late.
Shit! How dare she!
Dont be angry!
Its just an hour, even less now.
Its not the first time
shes made a fool of me.
-Its not serious.
-What would you know?
Have you loved someone who hates you...
...who hurts you every day?
Its my fault, really.
She forgot she was covering for me.
I didnt know Id cause so much suffering.
Youre not to blame. Its me.
I want to end this addiction to love,
but Im too weak.
-Well, Id better be going.
Will you tell Rachel to bring back
the red shirt she borrowed?
She can bring it to work.
What are you reading?
-Thank you.
-Promise me well go to choir practice?
Ill think about it.
Brother Chai is the handsomest man
in the congregation...
...and he loves your voice!
Sister Chang,
I dont wish to be liked only for my voice!
Ill never find a husband for you!
Then stop trying.
Dear God, please bring luck to our family...
...we are happy to have God in our hearts...
...and thank you so much
for this terrific dinner...
...and thank you again for bringing
our family together with happiness.
In the name of Jesus Christ, thank you.
These past two days, l....
-Something wrong?
-No, its fine.
Say it!
The ham was over smoked.
-Its fine.
-Father probably forgot to taste it.
-Or his taste is getting worse.
-My taste is fine!
-Our school--
You first.
Jin-Feng called from America.
Her mother is coming back.
-But her green card?
-She just cant stand it anymore.
They fight and fight. Even the police came.
Mrs. Liang is really hell on wheels.
She cant live there.
The language,
no companion for mah-jongg...
...her son-in-law isnt Chinese.
Its a miracle she lasted that long.
It might be a good thing for Jin-Rong.
She can help take care of Shan-Shan.
-She might cause more stress.
-Itll be fine.
And Dad will have someone to chat with.
Like I have time to gossip
after taking care of you three?
These past two days, l....
What now?
I have a little announcement to make.
Have you seen the TV ads
for "Little Paris in the East"?
That new luxury apartment building
in Hsin-Den?
A friend, who knows the contractors,
told me how well-built it is.
He was able to get my bid in
for a good price.
Youre moving out?
Not immediately, of course.
It isnt ready yet.
I used most of my savings for the deposit.
Thats good.
Real estate is a smart investment today.
Then Ill move
when the apartment is ready?
-I need to speak with your dad!
Dad, its for you.
-Hurry here, I need your help....
What? Right away!
There are crab dumplings in the steamer!
Get them out
when youre ready to eat them!
Master Chu, how are you?
Master Chu, how are you?
Hello, Master Chu.
Hello, Master Chu.
-Serve the sea cucumbers first! Hurry!
-Master Chu is here!
Thank God, youre here!
-Wheres Old Wen?
-Over here! What a mess!
The boss wanted the banquet to be perfect.
Now look at this mess!
-The menu?
Whats going on? Hurry up!
Its all right.
The last four courses are stews.
Well make the Whole Shark Fin,
and problem solved.
With you here, I can relax.
You can take charge here. Ill be up front.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
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