영문 Free Willy 프리윌리 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 48페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Free Willy Script
There he is, at one oclock!
- Lets get behind him! - Well cut him off!
- Get him! - Out there, about yards!
- Clear! - I got it!
Full throttle!
Let it go! Let it go!
More throttle! Keep it up!
Thats it! Thats it!
Lay it down! Keep it coming!
Yeah, fish!
Yeah, fish!
Go on there!
Yeah, baby!
Yeah, fish!
Go on in there!
Pin it! Pin it!
Close it in! Close it up!
He wont get away! Keep the others away.
We got him!
Close it up!
Get him in the middle!
Keep closing it up!
Excuse me.
My mom dropped me off and forgot my bus fare.
Could I borrow some money?
Thanks! Have a good day.
- I got to get home. Lend me a buck? - Get out of here.
Excuse me, lady.
My friends and I spent our money at the museum.
We have to take the ferry home. Can you help?
I suppose.
Few bucks.
- Shoot! Im hungry. - God, man! I need some food!
Lets go!
Go, Jess!
Hey, you get...! Come back here!
Come on, guys!
The first time I ever went there...
...it was so bad.
My mom left me, then went to Houston.
I never saw her again.
I dont care. I hate her anyway.
I could eat this every day.
- Well, I bolted. - You bolted from Cooperton?
- I did, bonehead! - Yeah, right.
Shut up! We both did. What do you know?
They watch you like youll stab their back.
I waited till some foster-home losers took me. Then I slipped.
- You aint as smart as us. - Eat it!
I am.
I want my own place, like an apartment.
Right. You and me.
Well meet someone.
With my brains and your personality, well be rich.
Get out of here! Go!
Lets split up!
- See you, guys. - All right. Bye!
This way!
Go! Go, man!
- Run, man! This way! - Come on! Come on!
Go! Quick, quick, quick! Move!
Down here!
Here, shut it! Quick!
Check it out, man.
Look at this.
What is that?
Jesse! Cops! Run!
There he is!
Hold it, kid!
Hes heading up the stairs!
Hey, kid!
Relax! Calm down.
Breaking and entering, vandalism, resisting arrest.
- Anything else I should know? - I robbed a few banks.
Im glad you were only out three days.
Did you miss me, Dwight?
Was Perry with you?
Perry who?
Dont play.
Dont be a bonehead. I hate telephones...
...and I spent minutes talking...
...to police and that adventure park, trying to keep you clean.
We were lucky this time. I kept you out of court.
You have to clean up the mess at Northwest Adventure Park.
That is your probation. Any problem?
- Why should I? - I dont know why I fool with you.
Im working too much overtime with you.
But you split out again, and Im out of the picture.
Youll be with Youth Authority. Court supervised and controlled.
Theyll put you in baby jail. A lockup in juvenile hall.
Okay, look.
Your placement is still on. The Greenwoods are okay.
They dont even care about this incident.
Whats with them?
I see. Since they want you in their home, somethings wrong with them.
What do you think?
On paper, youre still young, so you get some chances.
Not an infinite number of chances, but a few, son.
You get it?
You got any questions about any of this?
You hear from my mom?
You still want me to hear from her?
I just want to know if shes okay.
Nobodys heard from your mom in six years, Jesse.
Anytime youre ready, big guy.
- How are you, Annie? - Good.
Its been a long day for both of us.
There he is.
Can I carry your stuff?
Why dont we go inside and wash up? And well have dinner.
We got a little paperwork here for you.
Theres always paperwork.
I just bought a new car. With the contracts, it came to pages.
Well, this is a lease. I aint buying yet.
You interested in computers?
- I learned last year and can teach you. - Im not into it.
That makes two of us.
I wasnt either.
But then I decided that I wanted a second career as a journalist...
...and so Im taking the summer off to write.
A couple of weeklies have taken my stories.
- I havent earned anything yet. - Just dig right in.
I met Dwight while doing a story on Cooperton.
Dwights a jerk.
What exactly are you into?
Im not into talking while Im eating.
Heres your room.
Ours is downstairs, but youve got the best view in the house.
Go ahead. Open it.
Its a welcome gift.
You can open it later, if you like.
I bought you some things. Some clothes, some socks...
...and theres lots of blue. Dwight said you liked blue.
Anyway, if you dont like them, we can exchange them.
Well go now. If you need us, were downstairs.
Good night, Jesse.
Its great to have you here.
That turn before the bridge? Thats th Street.
My garage is straight up from there.
If you go six more blocks, youll be home. Think you can find it?
Inside, look for the Aquatic Theater. Ask for Randolph.
Hey, mister!
Where can I find Randolph?
He lives in the cottage right by the water.
Whats this?
...the artist returns.
Welcome back.
Weve all become admirers of your work here...
...but all good things must come to an end.
Time to let your creativity flow backwards.
You know what to do with all this?
Yes, I do.
Good. See you later.
Whatre you doing up here?
pounds, that one.
Jaws powerful enough to cru
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