[교육학] 한국의 성교육 현황 및 향후 과제(영문)

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  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 2010.11.24 / 2019.12.24
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
1. Introduction
2. Actual condition of sex education in school.
3. Sex education program in Korea.
4. Sex education in Europe
5. Actual condition of sex education
6. A New Spin on Sex Education for a New Generation in Japan.
7. Sex knowledge Adults should know
4. Sex education in Europe
In Germany, sex education has been part of school curricula since 1970. Since 1992 sex education is by law a governmental duty. It normally covers all subjects concerning the growing-up process, body changes during puberty, emotions, the biological process of reproduction, sexual activity, partnership, homosexuality, unwanted pregnancies and the complications of abortion, the dangers of sexual violence, child abuse, and sex-transmitted diseases, but sometimes also things like sex positions. Most schools offer courses on the correct usage of contraception.

Sweden is the most developed country of sex education and the first country of compulsory sex education. Sex education is already attempted in 1879. In elementary school, students are taught gender, pregnant, delivery, embryo and parents and family. 11~13-year-old students are taught between male and female, sexual organ's constitution and function, a secondary sex character, masturbation, process of fertilization, twins and prenatal education. 14~16-year-old students taught intensive process, illegitimate child, spontaneous abortion, premature birth, sexually transmitted disease (STD), contraception, sterilization, and menopause. 17~20-year-old students are taught morality and sociality of sex, welfare policy, menses and home sex education

The overall trend in Europe since 1970 has been a decreasing total fertility rate, an increase in the age at which women experience their first birth, and a decrease in the number of births among teenagers. Most continental Western European countries have very low teenage birth rates. This is varyingly attributed to good sex education and high levels of contraceptive use, traditional values and social stigmatization or both.

5. Actual condition of sex education in Japan.
In Japan sex education has been introduced into the general curriculum of primary schools since 1992. But due to the lack of cooperation between schools and health organizations, it cannot always be said that an effective and proper sex education has been given to students. According to the nationwide survey of the Japan Association on Sex Education on the sexual behavior of students, the rate of students having had sexual experiences has risen for both boys and girls. As a result of the remarkable increase of teenage induced abortions since 1975, the
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회원 추천자료
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