[국제식품] 상승하는 세계적인 곡물가격의 분석- 원인과 정책(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2009.05.25 / 2019.12.24
  • 18페이지 / fileicon doc (MS워드 2003이하)
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Ⅰ. Introduction

Ⅱ. Analysis of rising grain prices: Causes and effect

Figure 1. Food prices (Nominal $ Index, Jan 1995=100)

Figure 2. Energy and food prices

Figure 3. Simulated Real Grain Prices, 2000-2007 (US$/metric ton).

Ⅲ. How to settle the problem: Government’s direct policy

Figure 4. Anticipation of a rise in price (US$/metric ton)

1. Short-term tax policy

2. Long-term policies

Figure 5. Supply of non-GMO grains from Brazil (Estimated quantity)

Ⅳ. Indirect policy mechanism

1. Step down import barriers

2. Introduce future market

3. Investing and supporting foreign agriculture industry.

4. Emphasizing our opinion on food security

5. Security of the food security

6. Food security model; Japan

Ⅴ. Conclusion and suggestion

High price of main grains is recent issue in the global market. International price of main grains has risen since 2007. High price of main grain becomes serious problem not regionally but in global. Then policy for stabilizing the situation will be dealt with in this paper. On the supply side, low stocks of world grains affect to world grain prices. Escalating energy prices is also cause of rising grain prices. On the demand side, increased bio-fuel production has contributed to the rise in food prices. US dollars encourage grain speculationAs short-term direct policy, it needs bestowing a favor on the tax system. It is necessary to improve our own agricultural system in long-term direct policy. In indirect policy mechanism; (1) Step down import barriers, (2) Introduce future market,(3) Investing and supporting foreign agriculture industry, (4) Emphasizing our opinion on food security, (5) Security of the food security, (6) Food security model; Japan. Korean situation is very ambiguous when we talk about Korean agriculture situation in the era of agflation. It is needed to rebuild national food economies

Keywords: Grain Prices, Policy, Agflation

Ⅰ. Introduction
High price of main grains is recent issue in the global market. International price of main grains has risen since 2007. In average, price of wheat has been risen by about 140%, 56% rise in case of corn price and the price of soybean has become twice as much in march, 2008 compared to the original price in 2006.
High price of main grain becomes serious problem not regionally but in global. World reserve for grain is 14.7 % which is the lowest ratio since 1974. Developing countries’ situation is worse than developed countries. Higher basic grain price gives more burdens to livelihood, because it affects prices of other commodities. The ratio of grain price in consumption expenditure is 65 % in developing countries, while only 10~20 % in developed countries. Moreover, high grain price causes social insecurity. For example, citizens came out and demonstrated against rising price of tortilla, which is staple food of Mexico, made from corn.
Korea is not an exception from this situation. Korean situation is also vulnerable because of its low self sufficiency rate in agriculture. In other word, Korea is highly dependent on grain imports whose rate is 75 % in the year of 2008. It causes rise of cost for dairy products and gives burden to the consumers. Korea needs to find ways for keeping food security.
Unfortunately, this situation is predicted to continue for a while, as there are several reasons of price rising. Basic reason is unbalance between supply and demand of grain. This paper will find out some reasons of this situation in both supply and demand aspects. Then policy for stabilizing the situation will be dealt with in this paper.
Both direct policy and indirect policy mechanism will be considered. We will draw a conclusion to find out what will be the best solution to the world grain crisis.
Ⅱ. Analysis of rising grain prices: Causes and effect
Food prices have risen since 2000s and particularly 2006 (Fig. 1.). Soaring food
The Development Prospects Group
http://econ.worldbank.org/WBSITE/EXTERNAL/EXTDEC/EXTDECPROSPECTS/0%2C%2CcontentMDK%3A20267500~menuPK%3A476908~pagePK%3A64165401~piPK%3A64165026~theSitePK%3A476883%2C00.html, May-30-2008
Helen Thomas, “The Agflation outlook”, May 2008
Ito, Shoichi: World Food Statistics and Graphics, January 2008:
Mark W. Rosegrant, “Biofuels and Grain Prices: Impcats and Policy Response”, May 2008
Overseas Development Institute, “Rising food prices: a global crisis”, Briefing Paper, April, 2008
PREM, ARD and DEC, “Rising food prices: Policy options and World Bank response”
Shane Oliver, “Inflation, Agflation, Stagflation – What It Means for Investors”, March 2008
USDA,” World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates”, May 9, 2008
FAO, ”Crop Prospects and Food situation” , 2008
OECD, In Süddeutsche Zeitung, 15-4-2008
LEMONDE.FR with AFP 24-02-2008
Biofuel News 20-3-2008
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