[국제경영] 월마트의 국제화(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2005.08.09 / 2019.12.24
  • 19페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
■ Why Wal-Mart?
■ What is Wal-Mart?
■ What Wal-Mart Product?
■ How Wal-Mart create value
■ Globalization of Wal-Mart
■ Wal-Mart's Competitiveness and Related Strategy
■ Wal-Mart's Organization Structure
■ Wal-Mart Global Strategy
■ Wal-Mart Korea
■ Comparison
■ Summary
■ Conclusion
■ Sources
Among four strategies, Wal mart international is using global strategies. It lowers the cost of its products and service it provides as much as it can to lower the price of them. And, Wal-Mart doesn't customization of product and Marketing strategies cause it costs. Wal-Mart applies its American standard to everywhere in the world wherever it goes. Then we wondered how Wal-Mart chose global strategies. When a firm faces strong pressure for Cost and Week pressure for Local responsiveness, it tends to use global strategies. Cost pressure increase where 1. industry provides Commodity-type products where meaningful differentiation on non-price factors is difficult and price is the main competitive weapon. 2. Conventional commodity, Industrial and consumer products 3. Major competitors are based in low cost location and 4. Customers are powerful and face low switching cost. In Wal-Mart case, since Wal-Mart is a service company but selling products and goods, we can divide its core product, by two, one is the service and the other is the product that they sell in the stores. Wal-Mart sells consumer products which are difficult to make differentiation. And their service, which is selling products, is also difficult to make differentiation, too. And of course consumers are facing very low switch cost. So, it means its has very high cost pressure.
○ Hankook Economics 한국 경제 신문
(2001. 8. 21 / 2000. 12. 19 )
○ CEO Information(2003. 7. 30) - 글로벌기업의 최근 동향과 부침요인 (삼성경제연구소, 홍정우 연구원)
○ CEO Information(26호 / 1996. 2. 21) - 유통시장 전면개방의 평가 (삼성경제연구소)
○ 국내할인점시장 현황과 성장전략 - 2001. 11. / 삼성경제연구소 / 정연승 연구원
○ Wal-Mart : Staying on Top of the Fortune 500( Apr. 2002, Washington DC / Patrick Hayden, Seung Lee, Kate MacMahon, Mike Pereira)
○ http://blog.naver.com/antae0201/100003056473
○ http://blog.naver.com/godori40/120007268432
○ http://blog.naver.com/ruby27/20008303434
○ http://cafe.naver.com/sknc54/11
○ (http://blake.montclair.edu/~cibconf/conference/DATA/Theme5/China.pdf)
A Comparative Study of Asia Strategy: Wal-Mart versus Carrefour (by Miao-Que Lin & Wen-Kuei Liang
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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