[영문]Cappelli_HBR_2008_Talent Management for the Twenty-First Century

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  • 2012.09.16 / 2019.12.24
  • 9페이지 / fileicon pdf (아크로벳 파일)
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How We Got Here
A New Way to Think About Talent Management
PRINCIPLE 1 Make and Buy to Manage Risk
PRINCIPLE 2 Adapt to the Uncertainty in Talent Demand
PRINCIPLE 3 Improve the Return on Investment in Developing Employees
PRINCIPLE 4 Preserve the Incestment by Balancing Employee-Employer Interests
distinct-and equally ineffective-camps. The first, and by far the most common, is to do nothing: anticipate no needs at all; make no plans for addressing them( rendering the term "talent management" meaningless). This reactive ap-preach relies overwhelmingly on outside hiring and has fal-tered now that the surplus of management talent has eroded. the second, common only among large, older co,panies, relies on complex and bureaucratic models from the 1950s for rorecasting and succession planning-legacy systems thea grew up in an era when business was highly predictable and that fail mow because they are inaccurate and costly in a more volatile environment.
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