Integrated Project Delivery

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발주자는 설계 회사의 설계자와 계약 합니다.

설계자는 설계 도면을 작성 합니다.

도면을 토대로 공사 금액이 결정 됩니다.

발주자는 적합한 시공자, 감리 회사(CM)와 계약 합니다.

시공자는 전문 협력 업체(전기, 기계 등)와 계약합니다.

“지금부터 할 이야기는
발주자, 설계자, 시공자, 전문 협력 업체의
발주 방식에 관한 이야기 입니다.”

건축물의 설계를 담당하는 설계 회사와
계약하고 공사비를 산정하여, 시공을 담당하는
시공 회사와 계약한 뒤 건축프로세스가
진행되는 전통적 계약 방식이다.

설계 도면을 시공 전에 완성시킨 후 시공이
진행된다. 시공자는 전문 협력 업체와 계약하여
토공사, 전기공사, 설비공사 등을 일임시킨다.
또한 참여자들 각각의 책임 한도가 명확한데,
시공 회사가 시공 단계에서의 리스크와
이익을 전담한다.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
  • Southwest Airline & Jetblue Airline 재무분석(~2013)(영문)
  • project.The reasons we choose this method are considerable. First, we want to identify causality of each account. As we have done our project, the causality are seen in many ways. It is inefficient to take apart, because they tell us the same message. So we tried to integrate all of them. Second, we want to avoid repeating same explanation. One event affected many accounts. So, we should say same thing if we analyze each unit of account. But if we reorganize a new point of view;Event, we can talk many account at once. For example, purchasing aircraft may affect Flight equipment, Cash and any

  • [조직행동](주)오리온 7S 사례 분석(영문)
  • integrating 65 business offices in Korea. This system would allow Orion to manage its whole business systematically.*Orion is trying to reduce its organization for two main reasons: 1.Fast adaptation to changing environment, 2. Reduction of overall cost of products.*Trainees are involved in the pool as candidates of next manager of their department.*These 3 different divisions are made because recent wellbeing concept products and existing successful products such as Choco Pie need different strategy.7-2. Verified Key Problems-TableProblem Statement 5-1: Contradiction between strict s

  • [경영정보시스템, mis] 델 Dell MIS 사례 분석
  • integration of business functions. At the core of this process was the decision to adopt an enterprise system—SAP/R3—as a means of developing a united application environment throughout the company. The attraction of SAP is that it offers a full suite of tightly integratedapplications, including finance, human relations, sales and marketing, manufacturing and distribution, and customer service and support. Dell was hoping to bring its disparate IT functions together into one seamless system through SAP.The SAP implementation was dubbed the Genesis Project, and involved a 140-member staf

  • 나이키 NIKE 경영전략 분석(영문)
  • integration in pricing wherein they own participants at differing channel levels or take part in more than one channel level operations. This can control costs and influence product pricing. 3). Place▷ Outsourcing (production & distribution)◦ Design– Head office in Oregon ◦ Production- Factories in AsiaReduces cost used to outsourcing and secure competitive advantage with superior technology and design. Alpha Project: 73 designers in different fields and 12 professional in human engineering lead R&D of NIKE. ▷ Securing new customer base▷ E-commerce outsourcing▷ Gglobali

  • [기업전산론] 맥도널드와 버거킹 홈페이지 비교(영문)
  • integration of technology and business practice have enhanced productivity, encouraged greater consumer participation, and enabled mass customization.Two firms that were compared during our project are the legendary McDonalds and its rival Burger King. Both firms have a very well-developed and organized web site for their customers to interact with and both websites are characterized by B2C interactions. Even though it may seem like having a website for fast food chain restaurants may seem a bit impractical since most, if not all, of their interaction with the customers is via off-line, the

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  • 오늘 본 자료가 없습니다.
  • 저작권 관련 사항 정보 및 게시물 내용의 진실성에 대하여 레포트샵은 보증하지 아니하며, 해당 정보 및 게시물의 저작권과 기타 법적 책임은 자료 등록자에게 있습니다. 위 정보 및 게시물 내용의 불법적 이용, 무단 전재·배포는 금지됩니다. 저작권침해, 명예훼손 등 분쟁요소 발견시 고객센터에 신고해 주시기 바랍니다.
    사업자등록번호 220-06-55095 대표.신현웅 주소.서울시 서초구 방배로10길 18, 402호 대표전화.02-539-9392
    개인정보책임자.박정아 통신판매업신고번호 제2017-서울서초-1806호 이메일
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