[금융학] HSBC의 경영관리(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2011.03.23 / 2019.12.24
  • 11페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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Table of contents
I. Introduction
II. Analysis Business model of HSBC
(A) Major Business
- Personal banking
- Business and corporate banking
- Global banking and Market
- Private banking
(B) Minor Business
- Microfinance
(C) New Business
- Climate Change Business
III. Compare and analyze HSBC’s financial status before
and after the financial crisis in U.S.
(A) Asset and Liability Management
- Balance sheet of HSBC
- Other ratios
(B) Risk Management
- HSBC Risk Management Portfolio
- Credit Risk
- Market Risk
- Operational Risk
(C) Other Management
IV. Conclusion

For the next asset analysis we are considering data from the period 2004-2009. First let´s take a look to the principal ratios of the company. ROA ratio for HSBC has decreased since 2007 and this tendency has continued indicating that the bank efficiency to produce profits has diminished. This is mainly due to the rise in operating expenses by 12% that reflected increased volumes in payments; the significant write-downs of loans and advances and mortgage backed securities; the goodwill impairment and increment in loan charges.
The ROE of HSBC, that measures the profit generated by a company with the money the shareholders have invested, was also highly affected from 2008 showing decreasing percentages. This situation has several causes, first is the decline in profitability due to the reduction of the mortgage service portfolio, prevailing business conditions and capital requirements. Before the crisis however this ratio was constant due to the strong rates of growth in the markets. After the crisis however continued decrease as a result of tight credit conditions, reduced economic growth and a weak housing market.
The cash to flow assets, this is, the ratio that measures the liquidity of a bank was relatively low before the crisis, with percentages below one. During and after the crisis the ratio increased abruptly because additional liquidity was injected to the banking system in order to stimulate the economic situation.
Balance sheet of HSBC

The second part of this section is the analysis of the assets and liabilities of HSBC. In 2006, before the crisis two thirds of the increases in the balance sheet were due to the trading assets. This was primarily driven by an increase in holdings of debt securities. HSBC’s operations in Europe, reported a rise in the credit risk arbitrage portfolio reflecting strong investor demand for commercial paper while, in Hong Kong, the increase was driven by the deployment of increased commercial surplus. During the financial crisis trading assets increased by 11 percent because of the Groups Consolidation of 5 Constant Net Asset Value. Trading assets fell by 6 per cent, primarily due to a decrease in the level of reverse repos, particularly in Europe and North America, and a reduction in holdings of short-dated government securities in Hong Kong after the crisis.
Before and during the crisis derivative assets rose significantly, led by an increase in interest rate derivatives with further growth in credit and foreign exchange derivatives. The global falls in interest rates resulted in significant gaps between the fixed and floating legs of interest rate swaps. Widening credit spreads and increasing market volatility caused mark-to-market increases in the value of credit derivatives. After the crisis their percentage by 52% .Lower volatility within the financial markets, steepening yield curves in major currencies and narrowing credit spreads led to a fall in the fair value of outstanding derivative contracts.
Before the crisis the loans and advances to banks increased very much between 2005 and 2006 as a consequence of the stability of the credit quality. However, during the crisis there was a 29% decline in loans and advances to banks that occurred mainly in Hong Kong and the UK where Balance Sheet Management invested a greater proportion of its assets in government and government-guaranteed debt as a measure to stop losing money. After the crisis this loans increased by 12%, mainly in Hong Kong and Rest of Asia-Pacific, where surplus funds were placed on a short-term basis with financial institutions and central banks as part of Balance Sheet Management activities.
In 2006 and previous years loans and advances
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