Design of Next Generation SNS using Mobile Sensor(차세대 SNS 적용 모바일센서 디자인)(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2011.02.15 / 2019.12.24
  • 29페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 2,400원
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
1. Problem Statement
2. Existing Solutions
3. Stakeholders
4. Design Concepts
Appendix E: Design Concept Sketches

This is the easiest way to give back to your community. Best of all, in these tough economic times, this method costs you nothing – our generous sponsors pick up the donation bill.
1. All you need to do is walk into one of the many stores you most likely frequent anyway, such as common groceries, hardware stores, department stores, and many others.
Pull out your phone, open the app, and check in. No purchase is required. By checking in, you earn karmas from our sponsors.
2. Donate those karmas for specific actions to improve the world.
3. Share your achievements and good deeds with friends on Facebook.
CauseWorld is available on the iPhone and Android phones.

①. A company applies to be a sponsor to take social responsibility. (The reputation increases)
②. The company’s product is promoted due to the unique donation method of CauseWorld.
③. User does an activity to gain karma points. Activities that can be done nearby is shown using GPS. When the user meets the requirements for the activity, CauseWorld gives karma points to the user.
④. User donates karma points to a specific issue.
⑤. ®donation can be shared to others using Facebook.
⑥. Causeworld helps beneficiaries.
1. There is no user participation that includes volunteer work.
2. There is not much features of SNS in CauseWorld. Spreading donation culture through another media such as Facebook does not help much because Facebook does a lot of activities unrelated to donation as well.
3. Users cannot create any society in CauseWorld. Karma points are all.
Points to learn from Causeworld
Unique method to donate – promote company’s product. convenience by using GPS.
Happybean is a donation portal operated by NHN and Happybean Co. One can donate using cyber money called “bean”. Beans can be earned by purchasing them, by participating in sponsor projects, by using services in Naver or Hangame. For example, one earns a bean for sending an e-mail, but this is limited to 10 beans per month per person.

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