영작 나의 꿈 힙합 뮤지션

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2023.12.29 / 2023.12.29
  • 1페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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영작 나의 꿈 힙합 뮤지션
영작 나의 꿈 힙합 뮤지션

My aspiration to become a hip-hop musician has been a driving force in my life. Known as Kim, I am currently a dedicated college student residing in the vibrant city of Jinju. Family holds a significant place in my life, comprising my supportive parents and my older brother, who shares my enthusiasm for higher education, aiming to embark on a career path as a civil servant.

Since my elementary school days, my passion for hip-hop has been a constant. It's not merely a pastime; it's a part of my identity. I immerse myself in rap music, drawing inspiration from the beats and lyrics that resonate deeply within me. Writing rap lyrics has been my creative outlet, a way to express my thoughts and emotions. Crafting compelling verses demands a blend of knowledge, creativity, and cultural understanding. Hence, I am committed to continuous learning and refining my skills in pursuit of mastery.

Jinju, my hometown, has been the canvas where I've honed my craft. I consider myself a proficient rapper, deeply rooted in the artistic vibes of the city. Beyond music, I find solace and inspiration in cinema. Movies like "The Shawshank Redemption," "Amadeus," and "Braveheart" have left an indelible mark on my soul, influencing my artistic expressions and igniting new ideas within me.

My journey took a turn when I served in the military, broadening my perspective and instilling in me a sense of discipline and resilience. Looking ahead, my heart is set on an exciting venture—to experience the vibrant music culture of Japan. I yearn to witness live performances by renowned Japanese rappers, to absorb the essence of their artistry firsthand. Moreover, I'm driven to delve into the depths of Japan's underground music scene, envisioning myself working part-time to understand the nuances and innovation that thrive there.

In collaboration with a close friend, we've set our sights on Japan for the upcoming year, seeking to immerse ourselves in the hip-hop landscape. I'm eager to explore the systems and environments Japan has fostered in the realm of hip-hop, eager to incorporate newfound knowledge into my own artistry. My ultimate goal remains unwavering—to evolve into a globally recognized hip-hop artist akin to the legends like Psy and Eminem.

My pursuit isn't solely about personal ambition; it's about channeling my passion into creating meaningful connections and leaving an indelible mark on the world through music. I'm poised and determined to absorb every lesson, embrace every experience, and shape myself into an artist whose music resonates across boundaries and cultures.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
  • 클릭 일본문화 책요약
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  • 저작권 관련 사항 정보 및 게시물 내용의 진실성에 대하여 레포트샵은 보증하지 아니하며, 해당 정보 및 게시물의 저작권과 기타 법적 책임은 자료 등록자에게 있습니다. 위 정보 및 게시물 내용의 불법적 이용, 무단 전재·배포는 금지됩니다. 저작권침해, 명예훼손 등 분쟁요소 발견시 고객센터에 신고해 주시기 바랍니다.
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