미국 대학원 지원_SOP (Statement Of Purpose)_Grad Admissions_Georgetown_Data Science_Proofreading Service Verified

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 2021.01.19 / 2021.01.19
  • 1페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 3,000원
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However, I was facing analytical challenges. To list a few, I was almost completely dependent on the companys internal data, and it was very difficult to decide where and how to find relevant, accurate data from credible sources outside the company. Next, analyzing data and information that continuously changed or was affected by too many factors, such as the performance and output of machineries, was problematic because such information was hard to organize. Moreover, I needed a way to gather the necessary data automatically. To overcome my current analytical limitations, I became determined to learn analytics to attain more sophisticated quantitative and analytical techniques such as statistical analysis, data mining, optimization and algorithms.
What intrigues me most about this field is the concept of data discovery, namely, discovering insights and applying data science to develop data based products, services, or features. These skills enable data scientists to not only support businesses by assisting with management-level decisions that help the business run efficiently, but also by offering new products or features that enhance the users experience, and generate new channels for profits. LinkedInsPeople You May Know feature, which provides users with a list of people it thinks the user is likely to know, is an example of data product I aspire to develop. I find the concept of data discovery especially fascinating because I realized during my work that there is no position at eTEC that performs both a supporting role and is directly involved with developing products; instead, each of these tasks is strictly divided between engineers who designed structures and personnel like myself who supported their endeavors by implementing cost control measures and streamlining material procurement. As a data scientist, I could take on both roles, allowing me to make greater contributions to the business by not only reducing costs, but also creating new lines of revenue through product development, which is the type of work that I hope to focus on during my career. Therefore, while pursuing my degree in analytics, I would like to concentrate on learning methods to incorporate statistical, mathematical, and computer-based skills that would optimize the decision-making process and business operation efficiency, and lead to creative ideas to develop viable data based products.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
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  • data science is the key to overcoming my current analytical limitations, I became determined to learn more about statistics, mathematics and computer science as well as attain more sophisticated data mining, quantitative, and analytical techniques. It is for these purposes that I now aspire to pursue a graduate degree in data science.            What intrigues me most about this field is the concept of data discovery, namely discovering insights and developing new offerings such as data-based products, services or features, which enable data scientists to not only support business

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  • science to attain more sophisticated quantitative and analytical techniques such as statistical analysis, machine learning, optimization and algorithms. It is for these academic goals that I now aspire to pursue a graduate degree in Information Systems and Management with a Business Intelligence and Data Analytics concentration.What intrigues me most about this field is the concept of data discovery, namely, discovering insights and applying analytics to develop data based products, services, or features. These skills enable data scientists to not only support businesses by assisting with ma

  • 미국 대학원 지원_SOP (Statement Of Purpose)_Grad Admissions_Cornell_MPS in Applied Statistics_Proofreading Service Verified
  • of a business can enhance its economic prosperity, and the technological advancement that enables corporations to use fewer resources to create more goods and help them run businesses more efficiently is the essential factor to sustain the prosperity. Each of these themes heightened my interests in improving business operations by optimizing their processes and use of resources, and performing data-driven analyses to make better decisions. In the process, I hope to accelerate technological development by creating products with the data discovery aspect of data science to generate tactics with

  • 미국 대학원 지원_SOP (Statement Of Purpose)_Grad Admissions_Univ of North Carolina at Chapel Hill_Business Analytics_Proofreading Service Verified
  • science as well as attain more sophisticated data mining, quantitative, and analytical techniques. It is for these purposes that I now aspire to pursue a graduate degree in interdisciplinary statistics and operations research on the business analytics track.            What intrigues me most about this field is the concept of data discovery, namely, discovering insights and developing new offerings such as new data-based products, services or features, which enable business analysts to not only support businesses by assisting with management-level decisions that help the business

  • 미국 대학원 지원_SOP (Statement Of Purpose)_Grad Admissions_USC_Analytics_Proofreading Service Verified
  • science to attain more sophisticated quantitative and analytical techniques such as statistical analysis, machine learning, optimization and algorithms. It is for these purposes that I now aspire to pursue a graduate degree in analytics.What intrigues me most about this field is the concept of data discovery, namely, discovering insights and applying them to develop data-based products, services, or features. These skills enable data scientists to not only support businesses by assisting with management-level decisions that help the business run efficiently, but also by offering new products

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