영문 Ishtar 사막 탈출 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Ishtar Script
Telling the truth can be bad news
Telling the truth can be bad news
Telling the truth--
Telling the truth can be good news
Telling the truth is a bad idea
MAN SlNGS: Telling the truth
is a difficult problem
MAN SlNGS: Telling the truth--
Telling the truth is a scary...
Telling the truth
is a scary predicament
Telling the truth is a bitter herb
Telling the truth is a dangerous tunnel
When you get out of that tunnel
MAN SlNGS: Youve got bitter herbs
MAN SlNGS: Its a black life ahead
MAN : Forget herb. l never heard
a hit that had the word herb in it.
Telling the truth is a dangerous...
Telling the truth can be dangerous
Dangerous what?
Telling the truth
can be danger--
Telling the truth can be dangerous
Telling the truth
can be dangerous business
Telling the truth
Can be dangerous business
Because if yourself
You dont know why
Well, lm just giving you
what the idea is.
Oh, is that brilliant!
MAN : Look at that,
Simon & Garfunk els Greatest Hits.
MAN : Lyle, Dangerous Business is
as good as anything they ever wrote.
You think so?
The only thing
that Simon & Garfunkel
or Bruce Springsteen
or any of these guys have
that we dont have is an agent.
You think so?
Dangerous Business is as good
as Bridge Over Troubled Water
any day of the week.
You think so?
lm telling you, if we get an agent,
we get a record album.
Freed Talent Agency.
MAN: Mr. Freed,
uh, this is Chuck Clark e
of Rogers & Clark e.
Were songwriters
and were looking for an agent.
And we saw your ad in Variety.
Were gonna be at Song Mart
next Tuesday.
And weve got a new song we think
is good enough for a record album.
And we wondered
if youd have a chance to come down--
The Record Album?
No, no, no, no.
At The Record Album?
Its not called The Record Album.
Its called The Song Mart, sir.
Its basically a try-out place
for new material.
ANNOUNCER: Okay, okay, okay,
that wraps up another audition night
at The Song Mart.
A great bunch tonight.
Good luck, kids.
Well, uh, what did you think,
Mr. Freed?
As an agent?
Let me tell you
what l told Tony Bennett.
Sing songs people already know.
That way, if they dont like it, theyll
still have something to applaud.
But were not singers.
No, were songwriters.
So? The Beach Boys
werent songwriters?
Anthony Newley
isnt a songwriter?
l mean, if you wanna sell songs
today, you gotta have an act
with jokes, patter, segues.
Otherwise, frankly...
youre old, youre white
and you got no shtick.
You got no gimmicks.
ANNOUNCER: Auditioning tonight
at The Ad Lib for the first time,
please welcome Rogers & Clark e.
l dont understand
what we did wrong.
Nothing, although l think
itd be a good idea to change
your routine if they boo.
Otherwise, lm very encouraged.
We dont have another routine
to change to.
The thing is, Marty, weve been
living off our savings while
weve been working on our act.
But were down to nothing now.
l got good news for you.
l think l can get you a booking.
For money?
The hotel where the American
journalists stay in Honduras.
Taxi! The last act left
because they got nervous
about the death squads.
But theres no danger
if you dont drive
in the countryside.
How much?
Hundred and fifty lempiras a week.
Thats $ in American money.
That includes room and board.
Thats only $ . a week
for each of us.
Hey, thats right.
You got a good head
for figures.
But, Marty--
Wait a minute, Marty.
l also can get you weeks
in Morocco at dirham a week.
Thats $ in American money.
Unfortunately, l can only get
you airfare from the Canary lslands.
lll call you about it in the morning.
Me too.
Want me to drive you anywhere?
No, thanks. lm gonna
walk around for a while.
l want to do some thinking.
Me too.
Well, dont think too long.
A lot of acts would kill
for a booking in North Africa.
Lyle, do you mind?
l kind of wanna be alone to think.
ls it all right?
lts the only bar
in the neighbourhood
thats open.
Just pretend like lm not here.
What can l get you?
Give me a bourbon
and a water, straight up.
Make that two.
Dont drink bourbon.
Youll fall flat on your face.
Give him a beer.
lll have a beer.
You guys know each other?
Yeah, we, uh...
We got a-- Or...
We had an act together.
No kidding? Would l have seen it?
No. Weve only known
each other about five months.
Before that, we were just guys...
with, uh, jobs.
And we wanted to be songwriters.
CHlLD : Hey, ice-cream truck! Stop!
CHlLD : Over here!
Stop being so stupid! Stop!
Whats the matter, honey?
l feel like this is a very special part
of the evening.
A couple of years ag
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  • 영문과 학생이 무슨 중국어냐라는 주위 어른들의 우려에도 불구하고 중국 어학연수를 결정했던 이유는 대학에 입학 후 교양과목으로 들었던 중국어에 매력을 느꼈기 때문입니다. 길을 잃을까 하는 두려움보다는 낯선 환경에 대한 호기심으로 인해 초급 중국어 실력임에도 주말이면 북경시내와 타 지역으로 여행을 다녔습니다. 그 과정에서 중국인들과 대화도 하고, 그들의 문화도 접하면서 중국어 실력 향상은 물론, 여행이 주는 신선함에 빠졌습니다

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