영문 Lillies Of The Field들의 백합 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Lillies Of The Field Script
My cars thirsty.
Can I please have some water?
God is good.
He has sent me a big, strong man.
He didnt say anything to me about it.
I was just passing.
But you did not pass.
That is your... your car?
Thats my home.
You fix und dann habe ich...
I have something you do.
I thank you very kindly, maam, but
I got places to go. Thanks for the water.
If its for hire,
you got yourself one man for one day.
- Hire?
- You want me to work for you?
For hire means for money. I could build
a better fence than your girls.
Schwester Gertrude. Schwester Albertine.
Schwester Elizabeth. Schwester Agnes.
I am Mother Maria.
Pleased to meet you all. Youve got a nice
family, maam. My name is Homer Smith.
- Homer...?
- Homer Schmidt.
Oh, Schmidt!
Herr Schmidt, no fence.
We do that ourselves.
Up there. The roof.
- You fix?
- It couldnt be leaking on a day like this.
- Roof only leaks when it rains.
- Was?
Im only kidding. Ill fix it good.
- You use this.
- No, thanks. Ive got my own.
(exclaim in German)
Cant do good work without good tools
and if you hire me, you get good work.
Schwester, das Bett in die Scheune.
- Whats that?
- The bed you sleep.
- No. I got my own arrangements.
- You sleep in here?
Schwester, tragen Sie die Sachen zur點k
ins Haus. Schmidt schlt in seinem Auto.
No, no, you got it just a little bit wrong.
The job is finished,
so you pay me and I take off.
- Take off?
- Thatta way.
You have such a hurry?
Im hungry. I figured Id find me a chilli
wagon and log another hundred miles.
We were not put on the earth
to hurry, Schmidt.
For supper, I ring the bell.
Jesu Christ, sei unser Gast und segne,
was du bescheret hast.
Himmlischer Vater...
Me das Essen, das du uns gibst,
Homer Schmidt stark machen,
damit er deinen Willen erflen kann.
- Amen.
- Amen.
Himmlischer Vater,
wir danken dir f deinen Segen.
- Amen.
- Amen.
- You folks really eating off the land.
- Was?
Er sagt, wir leben
von den Fr點hten des Landes.
Oh, ja! Ja!
God sets a mighty poor table.
Soon we will have vegetables too.
And sometimes chicken.
- Well...
- You smoke?
- Yes, maam.
- You smoke is all right.
- I think Id better be rolling.
- Do not make hurry.
We are from Germany,
from Austria and from Hungary.
We learn English.
Bitte senden Sie
den Diener auf mein Zimmer.
Please send the valet up to my room.
Please send the valet
up to my room.
Hier ist meine Wcheliste.
Here is my laundry list.
Here is my laundry list.
Ff Paar Socken.
Five pairs of socks.
Five pairs of socks.
Zwei Nachtkleider.
Two pyjamas.
Two pyjamas!
- Pyjamas!
- Hold it.
I could speak English for you.
Warten Sie, Schwester.
Schmidt wird mit uns Englisch sprechen.
Oh, ja!
Sure. Anything you want to know,
just name it.
Fragen Sie ihn, was Sie wissen wollen.
What is name this?
- Phonograph.
- Phonograph.
Grammophon. Phonograph!
- Record.
- Record!
Phonograph record.
Phonograph record!
Phonograph record is black.
Phonograph record is black?
- Stove.
- Stove!
Stove is black.
Stove is black.
- My skin is black.
- My skin is black.
No. Her skin is white.
- My skin is black.
- White?
Wei. White is Wei.
Black is Schwarz!
Black is Schwarz.
No, wed better get a... Watch me.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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