영문 Object Of My Affection 내가 사랑한 사람 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 88페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Object Of My Affection Script
[People Chattering ]
[Applause ]
Welcome to the Brinkley Schooland our first grade show.
Im George Hanson and thisafternoon we are proud to present...
our own adaptationof The Little Mermaid.
Music will get provided by the BrinkleyTrio led by my co-teacher, Melissa Marx.
And now, on with the show.
Hi, Im Nina Borowski,and I think all of you are new here,
so welcome to the CoggleHill Community Center.
Ill get our group leader, and we cantalk about whatever youd like.
School, home,jogs, sex, anything.
[George]Sea Snakes.
Miss anything?.
- Honey, I just signed Castro.- Shh.
Sea Witch.Sally, youre on.
[ Cackling]
I know exactlywhat youve come for.
Well, theres this gay Ive beenseeing and now he wants to fuck me.
[ Girl #1 ]Hes only gonna hurt you.
- [ Girl #2 ] Do you wanna fuck him?- Well, hes cute.
- [ All Laughing ]- Does he say he loves you?.
Yeah, gut he just wantsto get in my pants.
But do you love him?.Nina, isnt that right?.
Well, I dont know about that.
But what I do know is,if have sex with a guy,
I want him to be my friend.
So lets start with-Do you like him?
I will give you anythingif can have my prince.
Come with me then.
And whilst my slave girlweaves her magic spell,
I will cut off your tongue!
Slave girl, play!
[ Etude ]
Where is he?
Who are youlooking for, George?
Just a friend of mine.
He says if Id. don뭪 fuck him,hes gonna find another girlfriend..
All right, Kiesha, I dontclaim to be an expert on love,
gut I do know it canscrew up your life.
So should I do it?
You can say no.
Keeping your boyfriend happyis not your full-time jog.
Youve got school,family, work,
your friends.
You call the shots.
- [Applause ]- You guys were great.
All right, headed through.Excuse us. Come on.
Get in line.Get in line.
- Daddy!- Oh, you were great!You were terrific!
- I loved you up there.- Mommy.
Mr. Hanson, that was a great show.I think that was your best yet.
Well, we had a greatSea Witch and a great cast.
Dont be so humble.Ive seen a lot of kids shows.They gore the hell out of me.
- This one had grit.- Grit?
Yeah, the real stuff, you know.It wasnt all gooey.
- Thank you, Mr. Miller.- Call me Sydney.Come on, guys. Lets go.
George, were having a fewpeople over for dinner tonight.
- Wed love it if you뭗 join us.- Oh, that would be great.Yeah, do that.
Oh, Gosh. Im sorry, Mrs. Miller.Im meeting a friend.
Well, bring a friend. Its very casual.Everyones dying to meet you.
- Really?- Listen, youre a hero.
Who cares if I can get Fidela million dollars to write his diary?
- Youre fightingfor the future of this country.- Well see you at 7:30.
You were so good. I cantbelieve how good you were.
Wheres Dr. Joley?
Id kill my boyfriendif he missed my show.
Bye-bye. Good jog,you guys. That was great.
- Just give me back two.- Hey.
Thank you. I got stuckin a faculty meeting,and then the subway-
And then the dogate your homework.
See you tomorrow, George.
- I just hate myself for missing this.- Its okay, really. Its okay.
- Hungry?Im in the mood for sushi.- Oh, I wish.
I just told Constance Millerwed have dinner at her house.
Im sorry Joley,she ambushed me.
But don뭪 worry,she said it was casual.
George, Sidney Miller is the mostpowerful literary agent in the world.
Casual to the Millersis not casual to us.
And actually, I was hopingwe could talk tonight, alone.
- Okay, Ill cancel.- Cant cancel.Its important for your career.
- Come on. Well talk later.- Are you sure?
Well, I wrote it asan academic gook, gut I thinkit could be a best seller.
And even a miniseries.And Sean Connery would makea great George Bernard Shaw.
May be your friend Georgecould do something with it.
That was a great showthis afternoon.
- So did you go to a teachers college?- I was premed in college.
- Oh, God. Your poor mother.- [ Constance ] George.
George, I want you to meetmy great friend, Joyce Meyers.
- Oh, Joyce.- Daralee
How are you?I so wanted to see your show,
gut I got caught upin a lunch for King Hussein.
How is he? Sydneys waitingfor his gook. Shall we?.
Well, Nour is adorable andthe children are delicious.
- [ Chattering ]- People dont read anymore.
Were in a post-literate societyso they dont know what to do-
Dr. Joley seems to have madea hit with my stepsister.
- People learn how to respond-- [ Constance ] How longhave you two been together?
- Uh, four years.- You know, Sidney represents Ru Paul.
Well haveyou all over sometime.
Don뭪 you think its timefor a revised. Encyclopedia.of the American Theater?
- Emery, whens the Pavarotti gala?.- Uh, next week.
Youve done such wonderfulthings for that company.
- It sounds like yourshow was a huge hit.- The kids worked really hard.
- Im sorry I missed it.- Oh, thats okay.
I was in bedwith King Hussein.
- George Hanson.- Nina Borowski. Hi.
- Oh, so, youre the stepsister.- Uh-huh.
Yeah, I bring the income leveldown at Constances partiesby at least three figures.
- Yeah, I can help youin that department.- Oh, thank you.
My pleasure.
Ive heard all about you fromDr.
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