영문 The Organization 대혈투 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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The Organization Script
(muffled shouts)
This time were gonna drop you,
and lm not fooling.
(watchman groans)
Lieutenant, we found these
on the floor, near the window.
You heard the gate blow up
after you were hit. Sure?
Yes, sir. Whoever hit me
was already inside.
Put a trace on those in the morning.
Virgil, we can take this fella away.
Not just yet.
Any vehicles missing?
Maybe he blew the gate to get out.
- My cars here.
- Were not interested in your car.
- What about the others?
- All the wheeled vehicles are here.
- What about Mr Bishops car?
- When l came on duty his car wasnt here
and when l checked this floor,
twice tonight, l didnt see him.
William Martin, the assistant manager?
Uh, technically the vice president, yes, sir.
- Whered you find him?
- At home. lt looked like we woke him up.
We dont consider you a suspect. You
dont have to talk to us if you dont want.
Well, naturally, l want to help, if l can.
Bishop was shot in the back
of the head and through the neck.
One bullet is still in the chest cavity.
The other is stuck in the wall.
Apparently he was bent over
studying those papers on the desk.
You might wanna take a look at em.
We manufacture most of our furniture,
but some of it we buy from Hong Kong.
its a cost study.
Well, was that important enough
for him to work on tonight?
- Apparently.
- You knew he was gonna work tonight?
No. Mm? No, no, l didnt.
do you mind if we talk somewhere else?
OK, Doc, you can take it away now.
Mr Martin.
This is lnspector Pecora.
lm Lieutenant Tibbs. You were saying?
What? Oh, l...
Well, l-l-l...
l left a few minutes early.
John was still here.
He hadnt said anything
about working. Not to me.
We understand his car
wasnt here tonight.
That could be.
lts one of those sport cars.
Hes always having it tuned.
He might have come by taxi.
Well check that.
l suppose he had no enemies.
They never do.
l cant say John won friends
in the trade, but he was respected.
Theres always robbery. But his wallet
didnt seem to have been disturbed.
ls there anything in that office
that anybody might want?
Business secrets, Mr Martin.
Anything like that?
There was nothing
important enough to kill for.
Well, lets take a look.
Take him in the other room.
Naturally we checked out the desk.
Would you mind opening it?
Well, l dont know. l mean,
shouldnt there be formalities?
- A search warrant or something?
- You said you wanted to help.
OK, l guess.
But l really...
He never would have shown us
the vault if we hadnt pushed him.
So, how do we know nothing was stolen?
(man) Yes. Youre sure?
Yes, theyre just coming in now.
The bullets dont match.
Both . s, but two different guns.
- Apparently two people didnt like Bishop.
- Whatve you got on him?
By the way, the layout
of the factory just came in.
He had no prison record. He had a good
army record. He was married years.
He was with the company for ten years.
He was manager for six.
He owns per cent of the stock,
and most of that is bonuses.
- Thats all we have right now.
- What does Mrs Bishop say?
Shes under sedation. We cant get
a statement until tomorrow.
The watchman still sticks to his story.
Officer Perelli heard the explosion at .
but wasnt sure of the location. lt took
him four minutes to spot the blown gate.
So, if they blew it to get in,
all they had was four minutes.
Not much time to get around
those alarms on the lower floors.
The lab says that the window glass
was cut from the outside...
five storeys up.
Yes. Yes, thank you.
(secretary) Your conference call, sir.
Paris and lstanbul.
One moment, please. Mr Alford.
OK, thank you.
Mr Alford and Mr Mills are here.
Bob Alford. lll start with you.
lm getting leery of these offshore funds.
l suggest we sell shares of OUS.
- Whats your opinion?
- Uh, give me a moment, Bob.
There is something
l want to check on that.
The entire San Francisco stock
has been stolen.
John Bishop has been liquidated.
John Bishop.
Yes, my information seems
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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