영문 Murder By Death5인의 탐정가 1976 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Murder By Death Script
-Do you think theyll come, sir?
-Theyll come, all right.
Here. Stamp those and mail them.
Its ringing.
Would you walk Myron the other way?
My leg looks like a tree in this fog.
Come on.
What a godforsaken spot to get lost.
Its true. I saw a much better spot
a few miles back.
Tell them were lost.
-The phones dead.
-Whyd you say " hello"?
-I couldve sworn--
-Sounded like somebody snipped the wire.
What did it sound like?
-Some fog, eh, Pop?
-Ive already heard the weather report.
Drive, please.
Its as thick as pea soup.
Not a soul around for miles.
Know what l think?
Perfect place for a murder.
Conversation like television set
on honeymoon:
Where are we going, anyway, Pop?
Who is this Mr. Twain?
Whatd he mean, "dinner and a murder"?
Questions like athletes foot:
After a while, very irritating.
To stop car, please.
-Whats wrong?
-Stop car, please.
To shut engine off, please.
I dont hear nothing.
What do you hear?
-Double negative and dog.
-So its a dog. So what?
If not mistaken...
...dog belong to Mr. Dick Charleston.
-Whos Dick Charleston?
-I am.
You dont happen to have seen
a little white-- Wang!
A white Wang?
Sidney Wang! What are you
doing in this godforsaken spot?
No doubt, same as you.
Looking for bridge that lead
to home of host, Mr. Lionel Twain.
You too, huh?
Must be important to invite
two such detectives.
Excuse, please, to introduce
Japanese son, Willie.
But l thought--
Mrs. Wang and l
couldnt have children.
Willie: adopted number three son.
Careful on this road.
Its treacherous.
Treacherous road like fresh mushroom.
Must always--
Idiot! Not finish mushroom story.
Youre idiot!
Sorry, but l see nothing.
This fogs as thick as bouillabaisse.
-I beg your pardon?
Nuts, nuts! There are
no nuts in my chocolate!
You let that imbecile in the shop
give you raisins.
He didnt have any nuts.
-The man in the shop?
-Thats the reason l took the raisins.
Never mind.
Well soon be there for dinner.
Hot soup.
Something is not right
in all of this, huh?
I can feel it in my bones.
-In your what?
-In my bones.
Buns? You have buns?
You bought buns
and didnt tell me?
-Where are the buns?
-No, monsieur.
The bones in my body.
You shouldnt speak with an accent
when you know lm hungry.
If you ask me, Sam,
this is a wild goose chase.
-Nobody asked you.
-Yes, they did.
You asked me back there
if l thought--
That was then. This is now.
Nobody knows
what tomorrow will be.
Thats the way it is,
whether we like it or not.
Sam, l really worry
about you sometimes.
Cut the malarkey.
This trip is strictly business.
-What do you got on Twain?
-He was born in San Francisco in .
His mother was Catholic,
father an Orthodox Jew.
They separated two hours
after the marriage.
-Any children?
-Yeah, one daughter, .
Her names lrene,
but she goes by Rita.
Just like a dame.
Dont stop, angel. Youre doing fine.
He was arrested in
for selling pornographic bibles.
Charges were dropped when the
church didnt turn over the bibles.
Theres nothing on him until
when he was picked up in EI Paso...
...for smuggling a truckload
of rich, white Americans...
...into Mexico to pick melons.
He was sent to the state hospital
for mental observation.
I think we picked ourselves
a queer bird, angel. Anything else?
Yeah. Get this, Sam.
Twain has one interesting physical
characteristic. He has no pinkies.
No pinkies?
Twains only got eight fingers?
No, no. Hes got .
He just doesnt have any pinkies.
-You did your homework good.
-Whered you dig that up?
-I wrote Twain and asked.
Good thinking.
-Whats the matter?
-Wouldnt you know, out of gas.
I saw a station
about five miles back, Sam.
I want you to know lm gonna be
waiting for you, baby.
Heres the bridge, Pop.
Doesnt look safe to me.
One way to find out.
Drive across.
Arent you gonna come with me?
Weight of two men
may be too much for bridge.
Then why do l get to drive?
Because l smart enough
to get out first.
Im not gonna make it.
Its gonna collapse.
Not worry.
Father find other way to house.
I made it, Pop!
l made it!
Good! Good!
Now come back and get adopted father.
Look at invitation.
What number of house?
- Twains house.
-Did you see that?
Neither did l.
Stop! Do not move.
Somethings wrong here.
-What is it?
-Do not ask questions. Do as l say.
When l tell you jump, you jump.
One, two, three...
Holy Shanghai!
Nice counting.
But howd you know?
Look on ground.
Even had correct shoe size.
Someone gone great trouble...
...to make welcome guests
not so welcome.
Ring bell, please.
Are you nuts?
Someones trying to kill us.
Yes. Should make exciting weekend.
Ring, please.
I wish it was Monday morning.
Well, here goes.
Theyre killing someone in there!
-Calm yourself.
-Didnt you hear her scream?
No. You heard scream.
More experienced ear heard doorbell.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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