영문 Mirror Has Two Faces 로즈 앤 그레고리 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 53페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Mirror Has Two Faces Script
Notice the elegance of the proof. lts beautiful!
lt reminds me of a quote from Socrates:
lf measure and symmetry are absent from any composition, -
- the ruin awaits both the ingredients and the composition.
Measure and symmetry are beauty and virtue the world over.
- Do you think hes straight? - Yeah, hes too boring to be gay.
- ls it 5:15? - Yes, it is.
Thank you ...
lm releasing you a half hour early today. l have ... an appointment.
lm giving a lecture on my new book tonight. You are all welcome.
Thank you.
Rose, get that mask off your face. ltll clog your pores.
Youre going to be late. lts almost seven oclock.
You bum! Three million dollars a year! For what?
Come on. Just one more out.
- Barry Neufeld. - Hi, its Rose.
Hi ... Not again.
l think its an allergic reaction to something l ate.
- My throats starting to close up. - lt sounds like youre dying.
- Sure youre not allergic to me? - Thats a terrible thing to think!
Every Manhattan restaurant hates me for not keeping reservations.
Why dont you call me next week? lf you still want to.
- Feel better. - Thank you. Bye.
- Should l start with a joke? - No, theres not enough time.
- For what? - To develop a sense of humour.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, the author of Absolute Truth, -
- Columbias very own Professor Gregory Larkin.
Youre going to be fine.
Thank you. lm honoured by this warm and gracious welcome.
Being here, at the end of a journey, lm reminded of Descartes words:
Whether l am awake or asleep, two and three will always make five.
lt does not seem possible that such a truth can be questioned.
This book has taken me over years to write.
lt is with sadness l say goodbye to it consuming my days and nights.
And nights ...
And as l stand here ...
ln coming up ... "summing" up ...
Excuse me, lm feeling a little dizzy.
l thought it would feel differently. l thought ld know more. l dont.
l dont know anything, really.
Thank you all for coming.
What did l say?
lt was fine, though you shouldnt work for a suicide hotline.
- You did fine until Candice came. - Dont start. l just forgot to eat.
lts natural. She left you what, a year ago?
Thank God Candy left when she did, or ld never have finished the book.
Youre a guy who cant have sex and chew gum at the same time.
When lm with someone, l tend to get a little sidetracked.
- years? ls that sidetracked? - l bet shes still out there.
lf l know Candice, shes out there.
Shes out there. Face her like a grown-up.
- Dont let me go home with her. - lt would be odd not to invite ...
Just dont let me go home with her.
Are you all right?
- lt was the stupid wine. Hello. - You look great.
l hope you dont mind me showing up like this on your big night.
lts just that lve been thinking so much about you lately.
- Do you want to go get a drink? - ld better not.
- A bite to eat? - No, lm not hungry.
- Do you want me to take you home? - Okay.
- Good to see you, Henry. - But Greg ...
- Dont leave. Arent you staying? - Well, were done.
- l still have feelings for you. - But l dumped you for another man.
- And lm still sort of with Paul. - l thought that was over.
He cheated. l wanted to feel better about myself before l see him.
- Thats why youre here? - Well, yeah.
You were always a nice guy. But lets face it, -
- weve nothing in common except sex, and the fact you idolize me.
l really do care for you.
- l just cant wind up with you. - Can l call you sometime?
What for?
- Are you going? - No, l cancelled.
What do you want to do for dinner? Make that pasta with artichokes.
Later we can figure out what to do with your hair for Claires wedding.
What is this?
Look at that.
y:i The mating ritual y:i is both speedy and violent.
y:i The lesser male often covers y:i the larger female.
y:i lf unsuccessful in mounting, the y:i male is often eaten by the female.
y:i Were the girls of - Hot Talk.
y:i Briana, Tina, Marla y:i and me: Felicia.
y:i Anything you want to talk about, y:i call me ...
- l dont know where to begin. y:i - Are you lonely tonight, darling?
y:i - So am l. What are you wearing? - Nothing special.
- Can l ask you a question? y:i - lm just wearing a towel.
l was drying myself off, after a hot shower ...
y:i Why do women leave?
Why do they leave? Especially pretty ones. l cant do it any more.
Life is very complex. There are no guarantees.
The mathematical world is completely rational.
You think too much. Dont you want to know how big my tits are?
No! l just want to share my life with someone.
y:i Someone y:i lm not sexually attracted to.
How can two people come together in lasting respect and affection?
- The worlds run by sex ads. - Take out your own ad, l guess.
An ad?
Look at me. lm a grown woman wearing a prom dress.
l look like an over-the-hill Barbie doll. And its too tight.
- l want something in my colour. - Maids of honour dont wear black.
- Why arent you wearing make-up? - l am wearing make-up.
- Youd look good with a perm. - Like Shirley Temple on crack.
Where is she? She cant stand
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  • has been well brought up, kind, gracious, and generally well-mannered.를 뜻하며, nice에 강세가 있는 경우 She is chaste를 뜻하는 바) nice는 (Thats a perfectly awful state of affairs와 같은 뜻으로 쓰이는) Thats a nice state of affairs.란 문장 속의 nice와 좋은 대조를 이루고 있다. 진심으로 Ive had a very nice time 또는 Ive had an awfully nice time.이라고 말하여 초대해 준 이주민에게 즐거움과 감사의 마음을 표한다고 해서 안된 것은 하나도 없다. 이에 nice 대신 의미가 한정된 좀 더 정확

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