영문 Lassie Come Home 래시집에오다 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.06.27 / 2015.06.27
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Lassie Come Home Script
Lassie Come Home is the story of a dog...
but its also the story of a people...
as strong and enduring in peace
as they are in war:
The people of Yorkshire.
The county of Eric Knights
birth and boyhood.
This man is a Yorkshireman.
Sam Carraclough, and his dog, Lassie.
Lassie is Sam s only saleable possession...
in the dark prewar days
of unemployment, empty pockets...
and the dole.
- Hello, Sam. You here, too?
- Hello, Tom. Ron.
- Hello, Sam.
- Hello, Lassie. Good day to you, my girl.
She looks champion, Sam.
Tell the truth, Tom.
Have you ever seen anything better?
No. I was only talking to my missis
the other night, Sam.
Thats just what I said to her. I said:
"If ever there was a better dog
in all Yorkshire than Sams Lassie...
"then she mustve died
before ever I was born."
Thats what I said.
Shes in pretty fair shape, she is...
but I do believe
her coat could be a wee bit shinier.
You know, Sam, they do say that...
cod-liver oil is good
to make a dogs coat shiny.
Some of these fancy breeders
give it to their dogs pretty regular.
If we could afford cod-liver oil
for our dogs...
perhaps we could get ourselves
a little bit of beef once in a while.
Its Joe shes thinking of, at school.
- Has she ever been late, Sam?
- Never.
There seems to be something inside her
telling her when its time.
Go along, then.
Joe Carraclough.
Apply yourself to your lessons, lad.
Joe, lad! Must you always come in
like thunder off the moors?
Sorry, Mother.
Lassie and me, we want some
bread and jam. Dont we now, Lassie?
Bread you can have,
but jam youll do without.
If theres no jam, honey will do.
Honey, is it?
Theres some nice beef dripping I have...
and thats what youll get.
- Thanks, Mother.
- Here you are, lad. Now run along.
- Have a good time with Lassie today.
- I will, Mother.
But why especially today, Mother?
Did I say today especially, lad?
I didnt mean to. Now run along.
Hello, Father.
- Did thou see the Duke today, Sam?
- Aye. Hell be by tomorrow.
Here you are.
Hello, Lassie.
All right, girl.
Downstairs. Come on, downstairs.
All right, Ill get up.
Why, Father!
Look, Father. Look what Ive taught Lassie.
You seem worried, Father.
Is it about your work?
No, lad. Its not that.
But whatever trouble comes, remember:
Weve got to be men together.
- Do you see?
- Aye, Father.
Make haste, now.
Youll be late for school. Come.
Thank you, Lassie.
Whats the matter, Lassie?
Dont you want me to go?
Ill be out at : as usual.
Bide well, Lassie.
Shes a beauty, Carraclough.
Shes just come back
from seeing my lad to school, sir.
Fifteen guineas.
Wasnt that the price you said?
Yes, sir.
I got the best of it, Carraclough.
I am an honest man,
so I got to tell you I got the best of it.
- Are you quite sure you want to sell her?
- No, Your Grace.
- I have to.
- Its a fair price.
Put a collar on her
and lead her from the back of the cart.
- Yes, sir.
- Get a move on.
Good day, Mrs. Carraclough.
Good day, Carraclough.
All right, Rogers.
Happen we should be telling Joe?
Hell be finding this out for himself.
Mother, somethings happened to Lassie.
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
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