영문 Fast Times At Ridgemont High 리치먼드 연애소동 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Fast Times At Ridgemont High Script
See the people
walking down the street
Fall in line
just watching all their feet
They dont know
where they want to go
But theyre walking in time
They got the beat
They got the beat
They got the beat, yeah
They got the beat
All the kids
just gettin out of school
They cant wait
to hang out and be cool
Hang around til quarter after :
Thats when they fall in line
They got the beat
They got the beat
Kids got the beat, yeah
Kids got the beat
Go-go music
really makes us dance
Do the Pony
puts us in a trance
Do the Watusi, just give us a chance
Thats when we fall in line
Cause we got the beat
We got the beat
We got the beat, yeah
We got it
We got the beat
We got the beat
We got the beat
Everybody, get on your feet
We got the beat
We know you can dance to the beat
We got the beat
Jump back, get down
Round and round and round
We got the beat
Linda, theres that guy
from the stereo store.
- Dont you think
he looks like Richard Gere?
- See his cute little butt?
- You guys, lets talk about
that fox that just walked in.
- We already were.
Im gonna go over there
and change the shakers.
- Cool out. Thats Stacys section.
- Hes too old.
Shes not even
in high school yet.
Smokings upstairs to your left.
Smokings upstairs to your left.
Smokings upstairs.
Rat, is Dolly Parton giving you
a percentage of the profit?
What can I do for you, gentlemen?
You the guy with
the Van Halen tickets?
That could be.
How much for something
in the first ten rows?
- Twenty bucks apiece.
- Those tickets were only $ . .
So dont buy em.
All the other scalpers are sold out.
Did you call me a scalper?
Listen, gentlemen, I perform a service
here, and the service costs money.
Do you want the tickets or dont you?
Okay, well take em.
All right.
Whatd I say, $ ?
All right.
Thank you.
Just made bucks, Rat.
Whats the matter? You look depressed.
I hate working the theater. All the
actions on the other side of the mall.
- Hows it going?
- You want to take his table?
Go for it.
Hes cute.
Just take his order,
look him in the eye.
If he says anything remotely funny,
laugh like you never heard anything
so funny.
And smile!
Go for it.
So, you working hard or hardly working?
You look like you
could still be in high school.
I know.
Everybody says that.
- How old are you?
- Nineteen.
- How old are you?
- Twenty-six.
Do you think we could
still be friends?
So what can I get you?
How bout a meatball sandwich,
a medium Coke,
and your phone number?
- Hi.
- Hello.
Get outta here, Bradley.
- Dave.
- How you doin, Brad?
Daddys home, boys.
I shall serve no fries
before their time.
This ones on you, dude.
Whos got the beaucoup dolares today?
Uno dinero.
- What have you got, Mr. Buck Man?
- I got a cigarette.
I got uno "nickelette."
Hey! You guys had shirts on
when you came in here.
Somethin happened to em, man.
Come on, Spicoli,
just put the shirts back on.
You see that sign?
"No shirts. No shoes. No dice."
Learn it.
Know it. Live it.
- Whoa.
- Hes the full hot orator.
Linda, did I show you this?
He gave me his card.
"Ron Johnson, Audio Consultant."
Maybe we should get a frame for this,
and put it up on the wall.
Linda, youre the one who told me
I was gonna get a boyfriend at the mall.
- Do you think hell call this week?
- Why dont you call him?
- I cant.
- You can. Guys love that sort of thing.
- Really?
- Yes!
Stacy, what are you waiting for?
Youre years old.
I did it when I was .
Its no huge thing. Its just sex.
- He was hot, wasnt he?
- If I didnt have a fiance
in Chicago, Id go for it.
Hey, how you doin?
Welcome to Ridgemont.
Will it look okay?
Well, she was an American girl
Raised on promises
- Do you know where U.S. History is?
- Down the hall and turn left.
Somewhere else
She was an American girl
Hi, Bradley.
Grown up.
Lookin good.
Another year joined at the lips.
- Hi, Brad!
- Denise. Id make you see God.
- Big Cruising Vessel!
- Bradley!
Thank you.
Six more payments, gentlemen,
and this beautiful...
blue, four-door, luxury sedan
is all mine!
Ill give you
four tickets in the fifth row...
for the low price of $ .
See that car? Some alumni
gave Jefferson that car...
for playing football
when he was a sophomore.
- Helped him pick it out.
- Slick car.
We go way back, you know.
Hey, Charles, how you doin, buddy?
Car looks great. I mean really terrific.
Youre really keeping it up
Dont fuck with it!
Thats my man.
- Arnold! Whats happening?
- Can I talk to you a minute?
Sure, man.
I really hate Bronco Burger.
Ever since they started with the chicken
nuggets, everything went downhill.
You have to fry all their greasy food,
and you have to polish things.
And the managers an asshole.
I was just wondering...
Arnold, do you want to work
at All-American Burger?
Yeah, well, um...
I can probably get you in.
Just let me talk to Dennis Taylor.
- All right!
- Okay.
Did you hear the bell ring?
- What bell?
- Were here.
My name is Mr. Hand.
I have but one question for you.
Can y
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  • times he will be change my friend for me. if anyone ask question at me of respect whom. i reply answer a question its my father. nobody else valuable at me. and second is my boy friend. hes taller than me and handsomer than my classmate. hes always love me and think more my situation than him. hes understand me. he call me sleeper. because im always thinking about my lover. im sleep late. i want to introduce my boy friend to pofessor in my free time im eating delicious food and watch movie. but im nice figure. in my free time im running around campus.16)영어 자기소개서 예문

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