영문 From Beyond 지옥인간 영화 대사

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  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 구매가격
  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
From Beyond Script
Go away...
Now listen to me.
Ive got to talk to you.
The resonator, its working!
If this is your idea of a joke...
Listen to me.
The new program, it worked!
Just like you said.
My God!
Do you feel it, Crawford?
Turn it off.
Edward! Shut it off!
Cant you feel it, Crawford?
In the mind.
The mind!
Its out of control,
youve got to turn it off!
No, I want to see more...
more than any man has ever seen!
Edward... Its running itself!
Theyre at it again!
With the coloured lights
and the weird sounds!
Last time I called,
you said youd send a squad car
if there was another disturbance.
Well, Im disturbed!
Ah! Bunny! Come back!
Bunny... Please...
Oh, God!
- Oh, my God!
- Come on!
Dr. Bloch, Im Jordan Fields
from the D.A.s office.
This is Dr. Catherine McMichaels.
- Hello.
- Ive read some of your work.
Very impressive.
Well, yes.
So is this facility.
Though if youve read my work,
you know Im not in favour
of locking away schizophrenics.
Yes, I know.
Youre in favour of using them
in experiments, like...
lab animals.
Weve asked Dr. McMichaels
for her expert opinion
on the sanity
of Crawford Tillinghast.
As it pertains
to his ability to stand trial
for the murder
of Edward Pretorious.
Thank you.
Oh, just a minute. Ray?
Thank you.
Forgive me, God in Heaven.
Get them out of here!
Hes in here, Doctor.
This is Doctor Catherine McMichaels.
I suppose youre another psychiatrist.
Yes, I am.
And youre a physicist.
Your record at Miskatonic University
was brilliant.
Yes, well...
I had quite a future, didnt I?
Yes, you were working
with Edward Pretorious.
I was assisting Dr. Pretorious
with his experiments, yes.
What was the purpose
of the experiments?
To stimulate the pineal gland
with resonant vibrations.
The pineal gland? Why?
Dr. Pretorious believed the pineal
was a dormant sensory organ.
A sixth sense.
Yes, well thats not a new theory.
The philosopher Descartes
believed it was a third eye.
Its not a theory, its a fact!
Then your experiments worked.
They proved the theory.
Then what went wrong?
At first.
But then we saw them.
What did you see?
We saw creatures.
We saw creatures, these...
Things, that were
swimming around in the air.
They fill it! All the time.
- Are they around us now?
- You bet.
Only we cant see them
without the resonator.
And they cant see us,
unless theyre under the
influence of the vibrations.
Thats why I had to destroy it!
Destroy what?
The resonator!
Pretorious invention!
It... came.
What came?
Dr. Tillinghast?
Crawford, what did you see?
It ate him.
Bit off his head.
Like a gingerbread man.
Dr. McMichaels.
Im not mad.
I saw it!
I saw it!
Do you hear me? I saw it!
Why doesnt anyone believe me?
We cant reach him.
He keeps returning
to the same fantasy...
Lets do a CAT scan on him.
Why? Youve already seen
everything you need to see.
Theres always more to see.
No machines...
- Please...
- Its alright.
Youll be alright.
I promise.
Oh, God, no...
Oh, my God...
There, do you see that?!
The pineal gland is oversized
and extending through the optic thalami
Think the tumor
is causing his delusions?
I dont think thats a tumor...
I think the pineal gland
is growing...
- Thats impossible...
- I know! But the CAT scan bears it out
The pineal stalk
is elongating through the brain.
Wait a minute.
I don know
the inside of brains.
What does all this mean?
Well it could mean
that the experiment
they were perfoming
actually does stimulate the pineal.
You mean hes not crazy?
I dont know...
He actually believes
that he saw these creatures...
It still doesnt explain
how Pretorious died
or what happened to his head!
Id like to recreate
their experiment,
and ill need Tillinghast to do it!
That is absurd...
and unethical!
I know your methods.
The girl wonder...
You use your patients
so you can make
your great discoveries!
At least here
we try to cure them...
By locking them up?
Giving them drugs,
taking their lives away?
I can give him his life back!
Ill give you an expert opinion:
Crawford Tillinghast is a classic
paranoid schyzophrenic,
and a dangerous one.
If I can recreate the experiment,
then I can find out
what happened to Pretorious.
Id like nothing better
than to lock this guy up.
Ive got a dead man
with his head twisted off
covered in some shit
the pathologists cant even identify!
No other fingerprints found,
except Tillinghasts...
No blood on the axe,
no blood anywhere...
I want to know what the hell
happened up there.
Hes all yours.
Youre my patient now,
Dr. Tillinghast.
Thank You.
Ill call for an apointment.
No, wait a minute.
Youve been released into my custody,
you have to come with me.
Where are you planning
on taking me?
Back to the Pretorious House.
I want you to recreate
your experiment.
Look, you can either stay here
for the rest of your life,
or you can come with me.
Thats not much of a choice, is it?
I believe you Crawford,
    아직 평가한 내용이 없습니다.
회원 추천자료
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