영문 Head Above Water 섹시 블루 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 44페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Head Above Water Script
Look, we docked one hour ago,
go have brunch and come back,
and some jerk steals our dingy.
Well, sir, Ill find your boat.
How could some clown just waltz over here,
cut these ropes, and putt away?
Does your boat have a name, sir?
Look, shes the Affinity II, Camden, Maine.
Ill find your boat.
Ive never really had much luck with men...
Not until I met George. All right,
hes not exactly what I had in mind for a husband.
I mean, hes twice my age,
a real klutz sometimes, and, of all things,
a superior court judge.
But I do love him.
He helped me with my little addictions,
calmed my nerves,
and sentenced me to only two years probation.
I brought him here to my familys summer house
for a little sun and sand.
Im sure in time hell get the hang of it.
Thisll be our first real vacation.
At last we are alone.
Well, except for Lance. Hes my childhood friend.
Lance and I grew up swimming in the tide pools,
sticking crabs in each others bellybuttons,
and playing tag underwater.
He lives here now and looks after the place for us.
George and Lance get along pretty well
for two guys who have absolutely nothing in common,
and Im counting on Lance to show George the ropes,
so theyve planned an overnight fishing trip.
Im not looking forward to being left alone.
Hey. Morning, Mo.
Itll be our first night apart since we were married.
I dont want you to go.
But it was your idea.
I changed my mind.
This is our time, George.
Theres no phones,
no faxes, no television.
Just us.
Ahoy, mates!
Hey, George. You ready?
Oh, yes. I just have to get my things.
For me?
Oh, well...
actually, I guess its... its... its for the both of you,
For the newlyweds...
to brighten your day.
Thats so sweet.
You havent brought me flowers for years.
Are you sure youll be all right?
Ill be fine.
I can always sniff your shirts.
Chin up.
Well be back tomorrow around noon,
then Ill give you my full attention.
And remember,
no drinking and no sedatives.
- Well be out around Seal Island. - Okay.
Have fun.
Behave yourselves.
Love you!
Be good!
Now what?
Aw, shit.
All right. Okay.
Guess again.
- Its me! - Oh, God! Kent!
You shit! What are you doing here?
How did you get here?
I swam.
Oh, funny.
Would you believe I borrowed a friends boat?
Since when do you have any friends?
Well, hes a brand new one.
We didnt get around to exchanging names, but were tight.
Were like this.
Youll never change, Kent Draper.
I brought you something.
Calla... calla lilies
and dark chocolates, right?
I thought youd like them.
I got a little something for the judge, too,
but I... ate it on the way.
Im sure hell be devastated.
I think the reason it works between us
has a lot to do with our age difference.
You see, Im very secure.
And I think thats especially good for Nathalie,
considering what shes had to go through with the men shes been with.
Well, I wasnt sure when she told me
she was gonna marry a man who was a judge,
- But... - Pretty tough judge.
Well, that, too.
But, you know, Nathalie seems happy,
and that... and that makes me happy.
I mean, weve been like brother and sister our whole lives.
And I appreciate your relationship with her.
I suppose I could be jealous, but Im not.
Except when it comes to squirting Kent Draper with lighter fluid.
Well, that was different, wasnt it?
He had a hold on her that had to be broken, so I broke it.
Yeah, I guess you did, but lighter fluid?
Thats not very judge-like, is it?
Oh, hell.
I didnt even light it.
So why the hell didnt you pick me up?
What are you talking about?
- Didnt you get my postcard? - What postcard?
The postcard I sent you a week ago
to tell you that I was coming.
Had a picture of the big bad wolf on the front.
You sure you didnt get it?
No, I swear I didnt get any postcard.
You know, you really shouldnt be here.
Thank God George is out fishing.
George is fishing? Really?
God, I didnt think he was the type.
- Well, maybe you underestimate him. - Well, I dont know.
After all, he married my girl.
Im not your girl anymore.
Do me a favor.
Just twist that knife right there in the back.
- Right between. Give it a nice... - Stop it.
Im slipping. Oh, man.
Youre a mess.
Why, thank you.
Ill get you something to put on.
Vodka... vodka...
You cheap bastard.
Thought you were supposed to quit that.
Yeah, but...
Evelyn finally left me.
Oh, no.
She took the kid, too.
Im sorry.
I dont know what it is, you know?
Im just not cut out for it.
Its hard right now.
But, well, listen, you know, Ill bounce back, right? Always do.
You still shouldnt be drinking. - Please. Doctors...
Come on, what do they know? I think vodkas the last of my vices.
Considering how many I started with, thats not bad.
Please join me.
No, George doesnt like me to.
My God, hes got his eye on you, doesnt he?
Maybe that was my mistake.
Maybe... maybe I thought a girl like you has got a mind of her own.
I mean, personally, I kind of liked it that way.
All right, so whens the old
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