영문 Feardot Com 피어 닷컴 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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FeardotCom Script
Thanks for the present, Bennie.
I guess were in the same business.
Okay. Im on my way.
Dont want to keep the roaches waiting.
-Hey, Mike. Watch your step.
-Yeah, yeah.
-These tracks are still Iive?
-Williams, over here.
Jesus Christ.
What happened to him?
I dont think he got eIectrocuted.
Whats going on with his eyes?
Dont know yet.
Well have to wait for the autopsy.
What did this guy see to Ieave
an expression Iike that?
Any witnesses?
Not to the accident. A guy went to grab
a paper out of the newsstand.
When he came back,
the victim was Iike this.
According to this guy, his eyes
were bIeeding prior to the swan dive.
-Must have been into computers.
-His names PoIidori.
He and another guy wrote the book.
Must have tried to stop the train with
it. Had to pry it out of his fingers.
Now all we need is the Ieading Iady.
-You want one?
-No, thanks.
Give it up, Mike. The Feds
are covering that now. Its over.
The Feds havent done shit.
Not hearing from him
doesnt mean hes stopped.
Youre pissed off because this Doctor guy
keeps sending you Iove Ietters.
Everyone has cases they cant crack.
Dont Iet it fuck with your head.
What now?
Get him out of here. Put him
in a hoIding pen, an empty one.
And get someone to transIate
whatever Ianguage hes speaking.
Jesus Christ.
Check him for a passport, an ID,
something in fucking EngIish.
It says hes a German exchange student,
Dieter Schrader.
Lives over in the Village.
Heres the address.
Call the heaIth bunnies, DOH.
Find out if theres some bug going
around, something with bIoody eyes.
They can send someone to meet me
at his apartment.
Sykes! Leave the doughnut shop here.
Lets go! Come on.
Know any German?
-I can sing She Loves You in German.
-Great. Thatll heIp.
Anyone here?
-I wouIdnt touch her just yet.
Actually, Terry Huston,
Department of HeaIth.
-Detective Reilly. You got here fast.
Goddamn it.
-What do you make of this?
-This is really fascinating.
Shes dispIaying possibIe signs of a
hemorrhagic virus. Something Iike EboIa.
Excuse me.
-"Reilly, we got a problem."
Sykes! Hello? Sykes? What are
you doing? Call the coroner.
Yeah, right.
What is it?
You better get back to the station.
I got a dead girI, a woman from DOH
saying we have a serious probIem.
-Im not going anywhere.
-"I think you better get back here."
And bring the DOH with you.
Do you have a pIastic bag?
-Thats evidence.
Excuse me. Excuse me.
-Thats German. It means murderer.
-I got that. Whats with the ?
Dont know.
BarIow, what happened here?
The guys said he was taIking
to himseIf. Thats it.
Well know more when we get him
to the morgue.
All right, stand back.
ShouId we be in one of those suits
theyre wearing?
-Were probabIy aIready infected.
-So we couId all just be dying here?
What is it with you peopIe?
You just Iet this shit run wiId?
Serum paneI is all cIear.
Its not a virus.
So were back at square one.
Weve got the camcorder.
Sorry about the space patroI,
but we had to be sure.
No probIem. I Iove needIes stuck in me.
Its a hobby of mine.
So you Iike working with bugs
and viruses?
Someones got to do it. Otherwise,
disease spreads out of controI.
You do the same thing.
At Ieast I can see what Im deaIing with.
This other shit creeps me out.
I hate germs and....
What about bugs?
I pretty much hate them too.
-You know you sIeep with bugs?
You sIeep with bugs.
No, I dont, actually.
Yeah, you do. Everyone does.
Dust mites. Theyre in your carpets,
in your bed.
They Iook Iike IittIe Iobsters.
In fact, theyre distant reIatives.
-Youre enjoying this, arent you?
-I just dont get out much.
I can see that.
Im sorry.
Im being inconsiderate,
making you uncomfortabIe.
Im so used to seeing through a Iens,
I forget how intimidating a camera can be.
Im doing a IittIe fiIm
at the WiIton Theatre, and....
You know, I cant say this
without it sounding Iike a Iine, but....
I was fiIming you because you
happen to be the perfect Ieading Iady.
Do you mean that?
I cant promise anything...
...but come by the theater tonight...
...Ill put you in front of the camera,
see what happens.
You have to punch this button.
Then you can record us.
Hard to beIieve thats the same guy.
-I can watch this Iater.
-Wait a second.
The guys Iosing it.
Oh, my God.
The suns out.
Another storm coming.
I got a ticket.
I think I can take care of this
for you.
So Ill see you Iater?
Terry, couId you come in here?
Mr. Turnbull?
Did you want something?
What happened with the German kids?
Is it EboIa?
No. I dont even think its a virus.
-What, then?
-I dont know.
Are you okay?
Yeah, Im just tired.
Let me know if you hear anything, okay?
-Where did your computer go?
I sent it in for repair.
-PIaying on the Internet too much?
Well, Im gonna go finish my report.
Cause of death appears to be a stroke
brought on by a surge of adrenaIine.
No signs of vio
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