영문 Fail Safe 핵전략사령부 영화 대사

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
  • 100페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
  • 평가한 분이 없습니다. (구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 4,000원
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Fail-Safe Script
Youll wake yourself up.
Ill get you breakfast.
No time.
The meeting starts.
Dont worry about it.
They always have coffee there.
Youre flying down?
Ill check out one of the trainers.
Then I can get back when I want.
What are you doing today?
Have to get clothes
for the boys.
They grow so fast.
Need any money?
I cashed a check.
I had the dream again.
Always ends at the same place.
I guess thats just as well.
Sometime Im going to see
that matador, find out who he is.
When I do, thats the end of me.
Dont talk like that.
Its only a dream.
Maybe I ought to resign.
What good would that do?
Im sure it would make the dream
go away. Theyre connected.
the dream and what Im doing...
Sometimes I feel the only way
I can make it disappear is to resign.
But you cant resign.
You cant give up your whole life.
Youre my life too.
You and the boys.
Maybe I have to choose.
Or maybe its too late.
Warren, dont go.
Skip the meeting.
Tell them my wife insists
I go shopping?
Ill skip the shopping.
We could have lunch together.
We havent done that in months.
A little French restaurant
with wine.
This meeting is special.
The secretary will be there.
Theyre even holding it in the war room
to show how up-to-date we are.
You could do with a day off.
In the middle of the week?
Thats immoral.
We can go out for dinner.
Ill be back by then.
If I can get a sitter.
You got me.
You can get anything.
What would I do without you?
You wouldnt do very well.
Theres no chance of that,
is there?
None at all.
First you said million dead.
First you said million dead.
Now you say million.
I say million is perhaps
the highest price...
we should be prepared
to pay in a war.
Whats the difference between
million dead and a hundred million?
- Forty million.
- Some difference.
Are you saying saving million lives
is of no importance?
You miss the point, Professor.
Saving those million lives
is whats important.
Face facts, Mr. Foster.
Were talking about war.
Every war, including thermonuclear war,
must have a winner and a loser.
Which would you rather be?
In a nuclear war, everyone loses.
War isnt what it used to be.
Its still the resolution
of economic and political conflict.
What kind of resolution
with million dead?
- It doesnt have to be million.
- Even !
The same
as a thousand years ago, sir...
when you also had wars
that wiped out whole peoples.
The point is still who wins and who
loses, the survival of a culture.
A culture?
With most of its people dead...
the rest dying,
the food poisoned...
the air unfit to breathe.
- You call that a culture?
- Yes, I do.
I am not a poet.
Im a political scientist...
who would rather have an American
culture survive than a Russian one.
But what would it really be like?
Who would survive?
Its an interesting question.
I would predict...
convicts and file clerks.
The worst convicts, those deep down
in solitary confinement...
and the most ordinary
file clerks...
probably for large
insurance companies...
because they would be
in fireproofed rooms...
protected by tons of the best insulator
in the world: Paper.
Then imagine what will happen.
The small group of vicious criminals
will fight the army of file clerks...
for the remaining means of life.
The convicts
will know violence...
but the file clerks
will know organization.
Who do you think will win?
Its all hypothesis, of course,
but fun to play around with.
Time to go home. I didnt mean
to hold forth so long.
I dont usually come to a supper party
and talk through to breakfast.
Nonsense. We were fascinated. I hope
we didnt keep you from your work.
Not at all. Ive got
a : meeting at the Pentagon.
Plenty of time
to get home and change.
You must come again,
Professor Groeteschele, with your wife.
Id be delighted.
Im Ilsa Wolfe.
We were introduced before dinner.
Id like you to take me home.
Youll have to give me directions.
Just stay on this road.
You could joke about the convicts
and file clerks...
because you know
there wont be any survivors.
Not many.
None at all.
Thats the beauty of it.
Ive heard nuclear war called
a lot of things, but never beautiful.
People are afraid to call it that,
but thats what they feel.
The beauty of death?
Dont patronize me.
What else but that
are you selling, Professor?
We all know were going to die...
but you make a marvelous game out of it
that includes the whole world.
- You make it seem possible.
- It is possible, even probable.
You make death an entertainment...
something that can be played
in a living room.
As good a place as any.
Theres an even better place.
Turn in there.
This where you live?
Dont joke.
Why not?
I am the joker.
I make death into a game for people
like you to get excited about.
I watched you tonight.
Youd love making it possible.
Youd love pressing that button.
What a thrill that would be.
Knowing you have to die...
to have the power
to take everyone else with you...
the mob of them with their plans,
their little hopes...
born to be murdered
and turning away from it...
closing their
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