[음성학] 자연재해 교재연구(영문)

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  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 2010.08.14 / 2019.12.24
  • 39페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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Unit 1. Natural Disasters

1.Preview: Natural Disasters
1. Pre-listening discussion

2. Pre-listening vocabulary
3. Listen to it
1. In the following passages, identify the examples that are used to support the topic sentence that is underlined.
2. In the following excerpts, underline the signal words that mark the use of an example.
4.Language Points – Speaking Skills
5.Expanding On Topic – talking about natural disasters
6.Writing Practice

Unit 2. Sports

1.Preview : Sports
1. Listen to it
2. After-Listening
3. Reading
1. Quickly skim the reading passage above and choose the most appropriate topics for the following paragraphs.
2. Write the topic of the following reading passages.
4. Language Points – Speaking Skills
5. Expanding On Topic – talking about sports
6. Writing Practice

Unit 3. Successful People

1.Preview : Successful people

1. Pre-listening discussion
2. Pre-listening vocabulary
3. Listen to it
4. After-reading: short answering about the listening

1. The following sentences all feature cause-effect relationships. Using the above example as a guide, box the signal words, and mark the cause and effect.
4.Language Points – Speaking Skills
5.Expanding On Topic – talking about natural disasters
6.Writing Practice
5. Expanding On Topic – talking about natural disasters

Choose several questions among the given questions and discuss them with your partner.
(Use the phrases learned in speaking sections if you want)

1. What is a disaster?
2. Have you ever been in a disaster?
3. What kind of disasters is common in your country?
4. What can you do to prepare in advance for a disaster?
5. How much warning time do people normally have to prepare for typhoons, hurricanes, and earthquakes?
6. What are some essential things you would need in your house in order to be prepared for a disaster?
7. Do you have food and water in your car?
8. How can you help your pet prepare for a disaster?
9. Do you know where the evacuation area is in your area?
6. Writing Practice

WRITING GUIDE 1: Writing Better Sentencesㅡ Giving Examples
Writers may give specific examples as evidence to support their general claims or arguments. Examples can also be used to help the reader or listener understand unfamiliar or difficult concepts, and they tend to be easier to remember. Many paragraphs show development from general statements to specific details or examples. In most paragraphs, therefore, examples usually come after a more general statement.
Examples often begin with for example, which is one of many expressions used to give examples. Some others are:

Writing Better Sentences Practice
Exercise 1

Read the following paragraphs, A & B. Underline words and phrases that specify examples. Underline the topic sentence.
A healthy heart is influenced by various factors. For instance, when people get angry, the heartbeat increases and the chance of clogging the arteries increases as well. Medical experts such as heart specialists warn against too much drinking of alcohol like beer or whisky. In this instance, however, not all experts agree. To be specific, some doctors say that moderate drinking, such as one or two beers a day, can be a good influence on the heart. Daily exercise like playing tennis exemplifies one influence that most experts agree is positive for maintaining a healthy heart.
Sometimes it is necessary to change our habits. Saving energy is one illustration. If we can save more energy, such as water and electricity, we can help keep the natural environment safe. Saving water, for example, helps preserve our rivers and reservoirs. If we usually take 10-minute showers, in this case we should try to take shorter showers. When we go out, we should remember to shut off electronic like televisions and computers. Turning off the lights is another example of saving electricity. In short, remembering to help the environment, such as by saving energy, is one of our most important responsibilities.
Exercise 2
One sentence in each of the following numbers (1-5) is the broader, less specific and more general statement, and the other is an example. Write a "G" next to the general statement and an "E" next to the example.

(1) ___ (a) The bone structure of men is larger, on average, than that of women.
___ (b) Men's and women's bodies develop in different ways.
(2) ___ (a) The wood of the acacia tree is so hard it can be used to manufacture products.
___ (b) Acacia wood is used to make furniture.
(3) ___ (a) The effects of heat include body sweat and muscle pain.
___ (b) Hot weather causes a variety of problems.
(4) ___ (a) We cannot see bacteria or viruses without a microscope.
___ (b) Many micro-organisms are invisible to the unaided eye.
(5) ___ (a) Temperature affects water.
___ (b) At 0°C water freezes; at 100°C it vaporizes.
Essay Writing Practice
Exercise 1
Write one or more sentences that give examples for the following general statements (1-3).
(1) There are many ways to help prevent heart disease.

(2) There are various problems due to dumping waste in the ocean.
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