[재배학] Growth Staging of Wheat(밀) and Bean(콩), 밀과 콩의 생육과정

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2009.08.27 / 2019.12.24
  • 9페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
1. Growth staging이란?
2. Growth staging of Wheat
3. Growth staging of Bean (Soy bean)
1. Growth staging이란?
말 그대로 식물의 생장 단계를 나타내는 척도이다. 주로 사용하는 staging scale로는 Feekes scale, Haun's staging system, Zadoks staging system 등의 세 가지가 있다. Feekes scale은 11개의 major developmental stage로 식물 성장 단계를 구분하며 vegetative phase와 reproductive phase로 나뉘어진다. Haun's staging system은 leaf production에 그 초점을 두었다. 이 관점에서 예를 들어 3.2라는 수치는 3개의 잎이 이미 완전히 나타났고, 네 번째 잎은 3번째 잎의 길이의 10분의 2정도로 나타난 상태를 의미한다. 마지막으로 Zadoks staging system은 두 개의 숫자(two-digit code system)로 구성되어 10개의 단계로 나뉘어진다.

2. Growth staging of Wheat

Figure 1.
Zadoks stage에
따른 Wheat의
성장 상태

Figure 2.
각 단계의
자세한 특징

<Table : Growth Stage of Wheat>

Development stage
Critical management factors
Plants per sq m are being determined. Land preparation and soil pests are important. Flooding will kill young plants. Rats and birds can eat seed in the ground.
Main stem leaf production

Seedling Stage is the growth stage from wheat emergence until the plants begin to tiller
Early weed control
Tiller production

Tillering usually starts when the plant has 3- 4 leaves. A (short growth cycle) wheat plant will typically produce 7-8 leaves on the main stem before stem elongation occurs.
Early weed control and good nitrogen (and other nutrient) management.
Stem elongation

Main stem node production. The maximum potential number of florets (and therefore maximum yield potential) is now set. The tillers produced last during stem elongation will often die. The final number of productive tillers depends on the conditions.
Good nutrient and water supply are determining yield potential.

By booting each plant should have 2-3 productive tillers depending on growing conditions and crop density.
Water stress will significantly reduce yield. Ground cover should be 90% by booting. Radiation from now till anthesis will greatly affect grain number per unit area particularly in hot climates. Heavily overcast skies or prolonged mists/fogs will reduce yield.

The spike (also called the head or ear) is emerging from within the flag leaf.
Water stress will significantly reduce yields.

Pollen is being released and the individual grains are being fertilized.
Water stress is still important.
Grain milk stage

When the grain is squeezed, a milky solution is apparent.
Water stress will still reduce yields.
Grain dough stage

When squeezed, the grain will still deform slightly, but no liquid is apparent.
Yield is almost set, but water stress will still reduce grain size and yield.

Grain is hard and firm and ready for harvest. Grain is best harvested at 14% moisture content. Wetter grain (>14% moisture content) has storage problems.
Birds and rats may attack grain. Lodging can lead to grain spoilage.

George Acquaah, 『Principle of Crop Production 2nd Edition』, Pearson, 2005, p. 133.

George Acquaah, 『Principle of Crop Production 2nd Edition』, Pearson, 2005, pp. 133 ~ 135.

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