[한국역사와 위인을 영어로 번역] 이순신의 생애를 영어로 번역(임진왜란도 있음)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2007.10.17 / 2019.12.24
  • 28페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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Barbarian invasions. His determination, with respect to the territory, is observed in his diary about the Japanese invasion on Korea in 1592 and the reports to the central government.After the naval battle in Danghangpo, Seonwudosa Dam Jong-In, in March 1594, the commander of the Ming Dynasty sent an official letter asking Admiral Yi not to attack the Japanese invaders from Uncheon. He did this with the hope of entering into friendly relations with Japan.Dam Jong-In said in this letter, “several Japanese commanders changed their minds and want naturalization. Most Japanese soldiers want to return to their homeland without continuing the war. Go to your land with your battleships. Don’t make any trouble because you are so close to the Japanese camp.”At that time Admiral Yi was suffering from a serious fever and so couldn’t move for nineteen days. However, he did send an immediate reply with the surprise and chagrin.His response was, “the Japanese stayed in: Geoje, Ungcheon, Gimhae and Donrae. All these lands belong to us. Why did you ask us to immediately return home? What does it mean when you say, “don’t approach the Japanese camp? I don’t understand where our land is? We don’t make trouble but the Japanese do.”The way he emphasized “our land” with such strict determination and determined objectivity illustrates love for the territory. By pointing out the meaning of “your land” in Dam’s letter it is also indicated that the territory of The Joseon Dynasty included not only Yeosu and Hansanseom, where the naval forces were located, but includes Busan and Ungcheon as, where the Japanese soldiers stayed, as well. Furthermore, all territories of The Joseon Dynasty are sovereign states. This is based on the independent history of The Joseon Dynasty. Admiral Yi took a firm attitude against letting the Japanese soldiers, who were devastating the territory and the people of The Joseon Dynasty, retreat in one piece. During that time, the commanders of the Ming Dynasty, as a superior state, dismissed the people of The Joseon Dynasty. They committed backup troops and caused an outrage under the pretense of the power of a big state. Admiral Yi demonstrated the spirit of ownership, as a commander of The Joseon Dynasty to the Ming commanders, saying that we would never neglect one piece of territory.During this period five hundred rice bags were kept in a shed at Hansando. Someone asked why the rice was kept there but didn’t mention military provisions.
한국역사와 위인
임진왜란과 이순신-(영어로 번역)
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