[노동경제학] 미래 지식기반사회에의 현재 고령화정책의 적절성 연구(영문)

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  • 2011.01.25 / 2019.12.24
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1. Introduction
2. actual conditions of aging in Korea
3. Expectation of future industry and employment change
4. The property analysis of present policies in the future
5. Conclusion
4. The property analysis of present policies in the future
(1) The vocational education and training by government
1) Support the vocational education and training by government
1- Short-term adaption training program for aged labor force
This program is for people who are over 50 and want to get jobs. In this system, labor force can experience practical business, education and safety management for free. Moreover, if the labor force finishes this program, government helps them to find jobs. Actually, these days, Korea industry labor force institution annually takes a contest and selects some training institutions which are a social welfare corporation or a nonprofit corporation. According to a labor department in 2008, 2,901 people did this program, and 2,736 (94.3%) people got jobs. Also, there are 160 institutions in Korea, and government pays training cost to the institutions.
2- New start program for aged people
This program is also for people who are over 50 and gives opportunities which are on-the-job training of small businesses, and supports outplacement or foundation. Moreover, if the small businesses have not enough labor force, these companies can get aged labors easily. Actually, this program was not have perfect system, but will go into effect soon with complete system. The qualification for this program is that people should be unemployment condition and register the employment support center in on labor department. After people’s register, the employment support center in labor department selects proper companies according to some factors which are conditions of labor shortage, business performance ability, and specialty. According to labor department in 2008, 93 small companies did on-the-job training for 328 aged people in 2007, and they have plans to increase on-the-job training opportunities for aged people.
3- Employment promotion incentive for aged people
By employment insurance 23 and enforcement ordinance 25, government manages Employment promotion incentive policy for aged people to increase employment and guarantee income. There are some kinds of Employment promotion incentive, such as a majority employment incentive, a continuation employment incentive for regular retirement people, and a new employment incentive for aged people.
Table 6 Application present condition of employment promotion incentive for aged people
(Unit: spot, person, one million won)
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
The number of case 9,604 35,753 50,466 61,970 66,565 70,793 63,972 48,760 48,424 53,761
The number of people 113,520 189,146 225,711 251,870 270,902 308,874 266,119 218,072 229,092 259,357
Sum of money 12,173 25,450 36,758 41,620 39,980 46,236 41,299 33,988 36,025 40,880
Source: Labor Department (2008)
Generally, the tendency of Application present condition of employment promotion incentive for aged people was gradually increased by 2003. Although it was decreased in 2004, it was increased again after 2004.
Table7. Application present condition kinds of employment promotion incentive for aged people
(Unit: spot, person, one million won)
The number of case The number of people Sum of money
A majority employment incentive 46,830(96.68%) 226,590(98.90%) 342.6(95.09%)
A continuation employment incentive for regular retirement people 14(0.03%) 29(0.01%) 0.9(0.25%)
A new employment incentive 1,594(3.29%) 2,502(1.09%) 17.6(4.88%)
total 48.438(100%) 229,121(100%) 360.3(100%)
Source: Korea employment information (2007)
The most of employment promotion incentive are concentrated on a majority employment incentive. Externally, employment promotion incentive looks developed policy, but problem is that a majority employment incentive just focuses on transportation or real estimate. Actually, the businesses hire aged people compared to other businesses even though government does not enforce a majority employment incentive. Thus, this policy can make social loss.

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