Foreign debt 외채문제

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2010.08.27 / 2019.12.24
  • 34페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글2002)
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1. Introduction

2. Foreign debt management

1) Risk management

2) Managing external debt using sustainability indicators

3.External Debt Management in Korea

1)History of external debt management in Korea

Ⅱ. The 1979-80 Debt Crisis:

Ⅱ-2. Management of and Recovery from the 1979-80 Crises

Ⅲ. The 1997-98 Capital Account Crisis

Ⅲ-1. Investment Boom Fueled by Foreign borrowing

Ⅲ-2. Bursting of the Investment Bubble

Ⅲ-3. Management of and Recovery from the 1997-98 Crisis

a. The IMF Bailout

b. Exchange Rate Depreciation and Openness

c. Favorable External Environment

d. Macroeconomic Policy Adjustments

4. Recent external debt management in Korea

5. Examples of dept problem countries

1) Argentina

2) Southern Europe countries (Greece, Spain, Portugal)

6. Proposal for Greek crisis


2) Managing external debt using sustainability indicators

External debt management involves balancing resource mobilization and deployment as well as orderly repayment of future obligations. For sustainable debt management, policy makers need to project accurate debt dynamics that are sensitive to the way the current account deficits are being financed. If borrowed resources are not used productively, external borrowing can result in severe debt servicing difficulties. Debt management authorities therefore need to focus on efficient allocations of capital in sectors generating proper returns, and should effect monitoring to determine whether the borrowed resources are being used to improve the country’s production
capacity so that future obligations are serviced.
There is no rule of thumb for determining whether a country’s debt level is sustainable. For an accurate projection on debt sustainability, several indicators should be assessed simultaneously in a forward-looking way. It should be noted, also, that debt sustainability analysis has to be country-specific, with consideration of the country’s debt history, the level of sovereign ratings and the degree of development in the financial sector and capital markets.

3.External Debt Management in Korea

1)History of external debt management in Korea

Ⅰ. 1960-70: Korea has a reputation for being one of the fastest developing countries in the world, experiencing rapid growth since 1963. Real GNP grew at an average annual rate of 9.0 percent between 1963-93. As a result, Korea's status changed from an underdeveloped country in the 1960s to an upper mid-level developing country in the 1990s. It is well known that foreign debt and the government's active economic policy played an important role in her economic growth. Korea's successful pursuit of an
:Adrian Salbuchi.(2006), How to solve Argentina's Recurrent Foreign Debt Crises: Proposal for a long term Solution

:European commission(2009 Autumn), European Economic Forecast, European Economy,

:Rebecca M. Nelson, Paul Belkin, and Derek E. Mix. 2010. CRS: Greece’s Debt Crisis: Overview, Policy Responses, and Implications.

:Sayuri Shirai(2004), Recent Trends in External Debt Management Practices, Global Governance, and the Nature of Economic Crises, Keio University, Japan

:William Pesek(2010), Greece ought to learn lessons from Korea in overcoming crisis,

:Yung Chul Park(2005), A Tale of Two Crises: Korea’s Experience with External Debt Management 1979-80 and 1997-98, Seoul National University





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  • 문제가 있었다.1999년 1월에 현실은 다시 무너졌다. 가장 최근의 불미스러운 일은 연방정부의 부채를 삭감 하려했으나, Minas Gerais의 주지사는 이를 거절하여 연방 정부의 부채 통제 능력에 상당한 의심을 초래하는 것이었다. Minas Gerais의 주지사인 Itomar Franco는 Cardoso가 헤알정책을 수립하였던 시간에 대통령 이였던 Collors에게 비난을 가하였다. 1999년 1월 Cardoso는 선거에서 Franco에게 패배하였다. As noted in Figure 10.3, however, the one-time devaluation of the real did not

  • 해외직접투자에 대한 새로운 평가
  • 노력 및 해당 국가의 정부에 의한 투자활성화정책도 중요하지만 궁극적으로는 해외직접투자는 시장원리에 의해 이루어진다고 볼 수 있다. 그리고 해외직접투자(foreign direct investment)를 영의 화게임(zero-sum game)으로 보느냐 아니면 정의 화 게임(positive-sum game)으로 보느냐에 투자의 관건이 달려 있다고 볼 수 있다. 위에서 본 표는 아직도 상존하는 다국적기업(MNCs)의 활동에 대한 자유주의적 시각과 급진주의적 시각의 차이점을 잘 보여주고 있다.

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