[경영학] 닌텐도 분석(영문)

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  • 2009.06.15 / 2019.12.24
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1.Introduction to Nintendo
4.Our opinion
1. Introduction

A boy / girls playing a Nintendo DS game

“Game console is for boys or children”. This was most people’s prejudice until four years ago. However, after Nintendo DS (NDS) was commercialized, it is no more surprising to see young women or middle-aged men play NDS in public places. This article will introduce one of the leading companies of the popularization of the game console, Nintendo Company Ltd. Nintendo is a multinational corporation headquartered in Kyoto, Japan, founded on September 23, 1889. Besides the recent achievement, there are many other products that represent Nintendo, including Donkey Kong, Game boy, Famicom, and Super Mario Bros.
Nintendo is a successful video game company now. Moreover, Nintendo has the largest net profit per single employee in the world; it is even larger than that of Google or Goldmansachs . Much to everyone's surprise, Nintendo started as a handmade hanafuda cards company at first. This interesting history of Nintendo will be introduced briefly in the next paragraph. Although Nintendo has been a video game company only for the most recent quarter of its whole history, it is this 30 years that has made Nintendo into one of the most promising companies, and thus the “electronic era” will be focused in the next postings, including this article. More specifically, the history, the vision of company and CRC will be the main categories of this article.

2. History

Nintendo was started as a Japanese business by Fusajiro Yamauchi in 1889. Based in Kyoto, Japan, the business produced a playing card game called hanafuda.

Former headquarter plate of
Nintendo Playing Card Company

In 1956, Hiroshi, the grandson of Fusajiro, realized the limitations of the traditional playing card business. He then gained access to Disney's characters and put them on the playing cards, in order to drive sales.
In 1963, Nintendo began to experiment in other areas of business using the profit. Until 1968, Nintendo tried a taxi company, a "love hotel" chain, a TV network and a food company. All these ventures eventually failed, and after the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, playing card sales dropped, leaving Nintendo with 60 yen in stocks.
In 1966, Nintendo moved into the Japanese toy industry, shifting to family entertainment venues in 1973. In 1977, Nintendo began to produce its own Color TV Game home video game systems. In the following year, Nintendo moved into the video arcade game industry. Nintendo had some small success with this venture, but the release of Donkey Kong in 1981 changed Nintendo's fortunes dramatically. The success of the game and many licensing gave Nintendo a huge boost in profit.

In 1983, Nintendo launched the Famicom home video
1. www.nintendo.co.kr

2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Nintendo
"Company History". Nintendo. Retrieved on 2006-07-29.

3. http://www.touchgenerations.com/enGB/discover_nintendo/what_nintendo_means.php

4. http://www.touchgenerations.com/enGB/discover_nintendo/nintendo_timeline.php

5. http://www.gamesindustry.biz/articles/gdc-miyamoto-discusses-the-nintendo-vision
(Miyamoto discusses the ‘Nintendo Vision’ -Matt Martin)

6. CSR Report 2007, www.nintendo.co.jp

7. http://www.sponichi.co.jp/society/flash/KFullFlash20080708016.html

8. http://www.gaming-age.com/news/2005/11/22-90
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