TOD(Transit Oriented Development, 대중교통지향형 개발)

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  • 2013.04.11 / 2019.12.24
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이전큰이미지 다음큰이미지
1-1. Definition of TOD
1-2. Concept of TOD
1-3. introduction of TOD
1-4. TOD, according to location
1-5. Seven principles of TOD design
1-6. TOD Status
1-7. Advantages of TOD
2.Case - Domestic(Yong In), Oversea(Curitiba)
2-1. Yong in
2-1-1. Definition of LRT
2-1-2. The reason of LRT background
2-1-3. Advantage of LRT in Yong in
2-1-4. Disadvantage of LRT in Yongin
2-2-1. Installed of BRT.
2-2-2. Feeder bus securing
2-2-3. Provide direct service in wide area network
2-2-4. The surface bus system
2-2-5. The social fare
1. Introduction

1-1. Definition of TOD
The way emphasizing land use and the relevance of transportation and inducing the complex land use of public transportation center and walking – riendly transportation system environment. In terms of Urban planning TOD is recognized as techniques that controls extensional reckless city spread and changes traffic-patterns of cars-centric to public transportation and traffic-patterns of Green transportation-oriented TOD concept is defined by 《The Next American Metropolis》

1-2. Concept of TOD
Pursuing foot-traffic areas and the development of higher-density, mixed-area within a radius of 1/4mile(600m) from LRT(Light Rail Transit) or BRT(Bus Rapid Transit). TOD develops residential, workplace, business, and commercial facilities of mixed-area into high-density by Public transportation Except cars. As Car-centric suburbs change Transit network, city achieve proper infrastructure investment and mixed-area is more interesting, convenient, active

1-3. Introduction of TOD
New urbanism - New Urbanism is an urban design movement which promotes walkable neighborhoods containing a range of housing and job types. It arose in the United States in the early 1980s, and has gradually reformed many aspects of real estate development, urban planning, and municipal land-use strategies.
Smart growth - Smart growth is an urban planning and transportation theory that concentrates growth in compact walkable urban centers to avoid sprawl. It also advocates compact, transit-oriented, walkable, bicycle-friendly land use, including neighborhood schools, complete streets, and mixed-use development.

1-4. TOD, according to location

그림1 Location of TOD

Urban TOD - High-density business-oriented Of companies, large-scale shopping centers, high-density residential appear.
Neighborhood TOD - the medium-density residential, services, retail, entertainment, civic, and hobby purposes place appear.

1-5. Seven Principles of TOD design
1)Keeping levels of high-density public transportation services that can be provided
2)placing Station Residential, commercial, workplace, public facilities such as parks
within Walking Distance
3) configuring pedestrian-friendly street network
4) mixed arranging housing of type, density, cost
5) providing Quality of the natural environment and open space
6) making Public space center of building arrangement and neighborhood living
7) Promoting redevelopment along transportation routes within Living neighborhoods

네이버 백과사전, 위키 백과사전
성현곤, 김옥연, 김진유. 대중교통지향형개발(TOD)의 의의와 바람직한 개발방향®dt=20081231160500#ajax_history_home
성현곤, 박지형, 김동준. 대중교통지향형 도시개발의 효과분석 및 유도기법 적용 방안” <중앙일보>
용인시, 철도 중심 교통도시로 ‘재탄생’<저작권자 : 수도일보 서판호 기자 2009-06-11>
권영종 - TOD측면에서 본 우리나라 신도시 개발의 문제점과 개선방향-2006
조규만, 조영태 – 대중교통지향형 도시개발을 위한 계획요소 분석에 관한 연구-한국도시행정학회 도시행정학보 제 24집 제 3호 2011. 6 p.307~325
신임호 - 서울시 지하철 유동 통행에 영향을 미치는 대중교통지향형개발(TOD) 계획요소의 통합유형화 및 실증분석
“서울 지하철에서 길을 잃다” News1 Korea – 박선우 기자 – 2012-09-09
보행자 중심 ‘걷기 좋은 도시’ 만든다 건설타임즈 - 이현규 기자 – 2012-10-31

박용남. 시민을 존경하는 ‘희망의 도시’:꾸리찌바-교통전책을 중심으로

지속가능한 도시-꾸리찌바

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