건강보험제도에 관한 고찰(영문)

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  • 페이지 / 형식
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  • 구매가격
  • 2011.11.02 / 2019.12.24
  • 14페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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Ⅰ. Preview on Korean Medical Market
Ⅰ-1. What is the Medical Commercialization?
Ⅱ. Four Agents Perspectives
Ⅱ-1. Governments
1) Positive
Ⅱ-2. Hospitals
1) Positive- Large Hospitals
2) Negative- Small, Medium sized Hospitals
Ⅱ-3. Insurers
1) Positive- Private Insurances
2) Negative- Public Insurances
Ⅱ-4. Patients
1) Positive
2) Negative
Ⅲ. Oversea Cases
Ⅲ-2. USA
Ⅳ. Analysis & Conclusion
Ⅴ. Reference
1) Positive- Ministry of Strategy and Finance, Korea Development Institute(KDI)

Capital investment for the health sector can be smoothly through ‘Commercialization of health care’ and It is difficult that non-profit corporation or Medical Corporation appeared alone to secure adequate medical capital in reality. So, the introduction of capital inflows in the medical institutions should make it easier by providing way to help the hospital industry is growing. If various types of domestic and foreign corporations are allowed to enter the medical market, medical market and the employment creation will be promoted. In addition to providing low quality health care services the hospital is forced out naturally. That means Improvement of overall quality of health care will bring. Because of providing more variety of medical services, choices of the people will be expanded. In addition, contrite to national wealth by attracting foreign patients through advanced service and preventing medical shopping of wealthy people to leave abroad.
After all, the high efficiency of medical corporations can provide better medical services at a lower cost by changing current rule of only to physicians and non-profit corporation established medical institutions. So, move quickly to introduce profit hospital due to enhancing the transparency and integrity of the entire medical industry and asserting a positive effect on increasing employment, add value and expanding consumer choice. Only Health Industry Development Institute opposites to Commercialization of health care by emphasizing the negative aspects like closure of small hospital and rising health expenditure.

Ⅱ-2. Hospitals
1) Positive- Large Hospitals
According to the policy chairman for the Hospital Association hospital, the rise of private corporations and capital investment to its investors by investing in the hospital management can also rationalize. Thanks to rationalization of management, quality health care service of hospitals for profit rises. This position is that even though government force to regulate, better medical service can be possible only there is capital. The effects of privatization of healthcare are improving quality of the hospital infrastructure due to competition between hospitals. As a result, Korea can build better infrastructure than foreign country and be reborn as a hub, which means price will fall due to competition between health care providers.
In addition, maximization of profit through health care services to more competition can increase consumer satisfaction. Major investment to expand the private
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  • 관한 비교 연구」, 인천대학교 대학원 석사학위 논문.김한덕(2012), 「노인요양시설 이용자의 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구」, 세종대학교 대학원, 박사학위 논문.설진화(2016), 사회복지실천기술론, 양성원.김철중. 2009, , 사단법인 한국노인복지시설협회.임승규양정빈. 2007, , 한국지역사회복지학회 제23집 pp.191-208.류기용, 「 2020년

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