영문 Should people sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing 영어작문

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  • 2015.05.29 / 2015.05.29
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Should people sometimes do things that they do not enjoy doing?
We live in a world in which every one wants to be successful. Nothing is wrong about the desire to be No. 1, and there is no doubt that being successful is enjoyable. Nevertheless, it is somewhat childish to think we can be finally successful by only doing what we enjoy doing. People often are amazed by the glorious appearance of a skyscraper, however they at the same time forget the fact that the skyscraper had taken a long time to construct, maybe much longer time to design, and possibly even cost peoples lives during the constructing process!
We may categorize things into two groups, the enjoyable and the unenjoyable; at the same time, another category can be made: the necessary and the unnecessary. The point is, things that are necessary are not always enjoyable and things that are enjoyable sometimes may be unnecessary. Doing things that are necessary rather than those that are merely enjoyable is not only helpful, but might also be indispensable for individual success. We all admire even envy those who now have attained great achievements, such those famous stars as Jacky Chen, Jet Li. We should, however, be aware of the exorbitant prices they have paid for their present glories. Jacky Chen once told that when he was still a teenager, he and his partners were required to practice more than 12 hours a day; and it was said that Jet Li was sent to be an apprentice when he was hardly four years old! Apparently, those seemingly cruel hardships have turned out to be the best gifts years later. But for yesterdays struggle, todays glories could not exist.
Things that are both enjoyable and necessary or both unenjoyable and unnecessary virtually seldom exist. We may dislike some curriculums in university, such as mathematics or history, but they are necessary; we may prefer leisure times to work days, but the latter are indispensable. Pursuing a successful life is nothing more than making wise decisions, and by "wise" we mean the choice of doing the necessary first.
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