[주택환경설비] 예방유지보수 프로그램-경제적 이익 중심으로(영문)

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  • 2011.11.28 / 2019.12.24
  • 21페이지 / fileicon docx (MS워드 2007이상)
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1. Introduction
1.1 Back ground
1.2 Problem statement
1.3 Objective
2. Methodology
3. Literature Review
3.1 Maintenance Management
3.2 Preventive maintenance
3.2.1 What is PM?
3.2.2 Economical benefit of PM
3.3.3 Present condition of PM & Why owners hesitate to use the PM?
4. Result & Discussion
4.1 Analysis of Case study to prove PM benefit
4.1.1 Case1
4.1.2 Case2
4.2 Analysis of Scenario to plan efficient PM program
4.2.1 Scenario1
4.2.2 Scenario2
4.2.3 Scenario3
4.3. Discussion

5 . Conclusion


3.2. PM(Preventive Maintenance)
3.2.1. What is the PM?
"Preventive Maintenance is a scheduled program of regular inspection, adjustments, lubrication, or replacement of warm or failing parts in order to maintain an asset's function, and efficiency (Ryan Cruzan, 2009)
Preventive Maintenance is the task that we perform to keep buildings in good condition. So Preventive Maintenance includes tasks to keep a building in good condition by painting, lubrication, cleaning, adjusting, and minor component replacement to extend the life of equipment and facilities. For examples, quarterly air conditional filter changes, monthly roof inspections and seal coating the parking lot annually are sort of Preventive Maintenance works. Through those Preventive Maintenance works, can extend equipment lifespan and keep equipment running efficiently. Also Preventive Maintenance's definition contains both words "schedule" and "regular". That means the efficiency Preventive Maintenance program contain all the task about building maintenance on a regular schedule, whether it seems to need it or not. By regularly scheduled intervals, Preventive Maintenance protect future equipment problems. So successful Preventive Maintenance program can reduce cost of irregular maintenance such as emergency maintenance or corrective maintenance by extending equipment life, reducing breakdowns of equipment and improving facilities' condition. Not only this economic benefits but also Preventive Maintenance has a benefit such as improving the experience of building user or making the work of the maintenance department more manageable. Ultimately Preventive Maintenance purpose is to give a great benefit to company by reducing the cost and improving the built environment to increases workers' productivities.

3.2.2. Economical benefit of Preventive Maintenance.
Preventive Maintenance has a many economical benefit. The following are about several PM's economical benefit.
(1) Preventive Maintenance can reduce the maintenance cost.
The most important reason for using a PM program is reduced costs seen in these many ways.
First, PM can reduce production downtime, as a result machine breakdowns can be reduced.
Second, PM guarantees better conservation of assets and increased expectancy of facilities' life, thereby PM can eliminate premature replacement of machinery and equipment.
Third, PM can reduce overtime costs, and guarantee more economical using of maintenance workers by scheduled working.
Fourth, PM reduces the cost of repairs by reducing secondary failures.
Fifth, PM reduces product reject, rework and scrap by better overall equipment condition.
Sixth, by using PM, they can identify excessive maintenance costs of facilities. And PM indicates the need for corrective maintenance, operator training or replacement of obsolete equipment.
Seventh, PM improves safety and quality of facilities conditions. If preventive maintenance program can't reduce costs, this PM program is regarded as not having cost efficiency.
(2) Preventive Maintenance can extend equipment life.
That is the most powerful reason to do preventive maintenance. PhD Jun-ha Kim said that Planned alternatives designed to eliminate or reduce wear and tear in facilities. So PM program reduce the amount of reactive maintenance. Also Mc Graw-Hill said that The biggest benefits of a PM program occur through painting, lubrication, cleaning and adjusting, and minor component replacement to extend the life of equipment and facilities.
(3) Preventive Maintenance can save the energy.
PM program can save the energy by making sure that comfort systems of automated building are operated properly. Mc Graw said that Using of PM program minimizes energy consumption (5% less)
(4) Preventive Maintenance can improve the experience of building occupants.
If a PM program is established, FM'er can find and solve the problem, before user find it. So PM can improve the satisfaction level of occupants.
(5) Preventive Maintenance also can make the Facility Managers' work easier.

3.2.3. Present Condition of PM & Why owners hesitate to use the PM?
There are many advantages for having a good preventive maintenance program. But, Few company has use The PM program in whole industry, And the owner's satisfaction with the PM program is very low.(Terry Wireman, 2007) Figure 3 shows the result of a survey that involve 5,000 companies.

Figure 3. PM program Satisfaction
Terry wireman(2007)

<Figure 3> was taken in 2007. As the figure highlights, the majority were not satisfied with the effectiveness of their preventive maintenance program. Why could this phenomenon happening?
The basic reason of owner’s hesitate the PM program; is not easy to visible performance. First, the economic value of preventive maintenance is difficult to determine. One of the most important think of the owner is the cost. However, it is difficult to demonstrate the economic effects. Many preventive main


1. Adolfo Crespo Marquez(2007). The Maintenance Management Framework
2. ENRICO ZIO, PIERO BARALDI, AND EDOARDO PATELLI(2004). A MONTE CARLO SIMULATION approach to the production availability evaluation of an offshore installation with operational loops
3. James H. Johnson(1991). The Value Assessment Method for Evaluating Preventive Maintenance Activities
4. James W. Taylor(1996). How to Develop A Preventive Maintenance System
5. McGraw-Hill(1967). Effective Maintenance Management
6. Mira Kajko-Mattsson(2000). Preventive Maintenance! Do we know what it is
7. M.Y. Haggag(2009). Cost Analysis of Two-Dissimilar-Unit Cold Standby System with three States and Preventive Maintenance Using Linear First Order Differential Equations, Journal of Mathematics and Statistics 5(4): 305-310
8. Raymond C (1991). preventive maintenance of buildings
9. Ryan Cruzan(2009). Manager's Guide Preventive Building Maintenance
10. Terry wireman(2007). total productive maintenance
11. Wei Lin Koo, Tracy van Hoy(2000). Determining the Economic value of preventive maintenance
12. williamC. worsham (2008). Is preventive maintenance necessary
13. Uptime magazine : http://articles.uptimemagazine.com
14. WBDG : http://www.wbdg.org/om/om.php
15. EHOW : http://www.ehow.com/
16. SchoolDude: http://www.schooldude.com/
17. FM BENCHMARKING: www.fmbenchmarking.com

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