Alcaligenes eutrophus의 대사 과정을 이용한 PHP의 생산 및 분리 정제(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2011.03.14 / 2019.12.24
  • 31페이지 / fileicon doc (MS워드 2003이하)
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Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. Materials and methods
2.1. Prepare cultures of Alcaligenes eutrophus
2.2. PHB production cultivation process
2.3. Purification process of PHB

3. Results
3.1. PHBaccumulation
3.2. Purification of PHB and other materials
3.3. PHB synthetic pathway
3.4. Effect of incubation time two step
3.5. Purification and use of waste
4. Review
5. Acknowledgments
PHB`s Separation & Purification
Target of this study conducted to obtain a purely material PHB purification process debris in the damaged cells, and to remove the remaining medium components. PHB has been removed during the refining process with just remove the present efficiency of the overall purification stayed in the 70-80%.

PHB Synthesis Pathway
Alcaligenes eutrophus PHB in normal circumstances, do not generate a nitrogen-deficient conditions in the medium inside the cell to survive by creating PHB is stored. Alcaligenes eutrophus Glucose consumption is common inside the cells, energizing them for the part of the process that undergo produces 2 ATP. Glucose is the process in order GPDH, 6-Phosphoglucolactone, Pyruvate 14.6kcal of cells in the process of the energy you can get. It also created when the resulting Pyruvate and Acetyl-Co-A is converted into state inside the cell mitochondria in the TCA Cycle by FED Citrate start of some conversion types through the final 38 for ATP production as a whole cell Glucose 1mol oxidized to obtain the total energy of 688kcal.
However, in nitrogen-deficient environment in the form of Alcaligenes eutrophus through the GPDH of Glucose 6-Phosphoglucolactone johyosoin in the NAD / NADH ratio is affected by the jagged than usual progression is formed. So normal that the process could have generated Alcaligenes eutrophus Citrate Acetyl-Co-A as a coenzyme in the process of converting NAD / NADH ratio are affected when Citrate Acetyl-Co-A than the Acetoacetyl-Co-A to the will follow the path. And Acetoacetyl-Co-A by the NADPH consumption β-3-hydroxybutyryl-Co-A in the form of a doeeotdaga Finally, PHB will be stored inside cells.
So now, rather than produce the energy stored in the form of PHB that Glucose is consumed. Thus, by Alcaligenes eutrophus PHB is stored on the internal deficiencies of nitrogen to survive


Academic literature data
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