An Anaphora Resolution System Using Knowledge Base

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  • 2004.05.19 / 2019.12.24
  • 14페이지 / fileicon hwp (아래아한글97)
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  • 영문 TRON 트론 새로운 시작 영화 대사
  • SYSTEM Here in a maze of complex pathways, we see a lone tank moving alongone of the paths.28 INT. TANK 28 A lone program sits at the controls. His armor is worn and beatenand his glow subdued. This is CLU. With his thermos of glowingcoffee and his suicide-jockey manner, he reminds us of a truckdriver on an all-night run. CLUThink we can merge into this memryokay, good buddy? A spot of glowing light zips around the tank, stops and expandsinto a solid glowing green sphere with the suggestion of a face asit speaks. BIT(eagerly)10-4! As soon as it is finished

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  • system.Still, after a rocky start, the U.S. stock market could gain 5% to 8% for the year. How can that happen in light of all the gloomy economic news? Stocks typically begin to rebound three to six months before the start of an economic recovery, often when the news is still dismal. Kiplingers expects the economy to shrink for at least the first two quarters of 2009, followed by tepid growth the rest of the year. If President Obama and the new Congress enact massive public-works projects and take other steps to stimulate the economy, the recession could end a bit sooner and the recovery

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  • based on the strong promotion that will be provided and the rapid growth of the market.4.2 Expected incomeEach OMNIA costs around 1 Million wons.Therefore, the expected income should be around the 300 Billion wons for 2010.300,000 * 1mill = 300 bill4.3 Expense ForecastMarketing expenses are budgeted to make customer know the advantages of our product. We are going to spend our money on TV advertising, Newspaper, POP, Product endorsement, event sponsorship, Product placement, and subway advertising board. Our total expected expense is 50billion won.This amount is very important, because

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  • resolution.6.2 Suggestion2. ContentsLG electronics current 3D programs are not offering enough the world. LG electronics made associations with the SKY Life in Korea and the BSkyB in UK, but there are not enough 3D TV programs. LG electronics have to make more alliances with other broadcasting companies, especially in the USA, such as 3Ality and PACE which have advanced 3D filming technologies. Therefore, LG electronics must make alliance to the companies or media companies in the USA. It is also recommended that LG electronics make contracts with sports broadcasting stations as well. As b

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  • Systems News:, David. (2008). Systemize knowledge revolutionarily. Salim Biz.Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (2011). Radio-frequency identificatio. Retrieved 5 20, 2011, from Wikipedia: sheet #1 Questionnaire in KoreanⅠ. 타 패스트패션 브랜드와 동대문 패션시장의 가치 비교1. 자라, 에이치엔엠(H&M), 포에버21, 유니클로, 망고에 대해서 알

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