[조직행동론] 홈플러스의 7S전략과 분석 및 문제 해결(영문)

  • 등록일 / 수정일
  • 페이지 / 형식
  • 자료평가
  • 구매가격
  • 2010.11.29 / 2019.12.24
  • 14페이지 / fileicon doc (MS워드 2003이하)
  • est1est2est3est4est5 1(구매금액의 3%지급)
  • 1,400원
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1. Overview of project
1.1 Purpose of the project
1.2 Methods for Conducting Case Analysis
2. Homeplus 7-S analysis
2.1 Strategy
2.2 Skills
2.3 Style
2.4 System
2.5 Staffing
2.6 Structure
2.7 Shared Value
3. Emerging problems for Homeplus.
3.1 Coping with environmental changes outside the company.
3.2 Slow down of process.
3.3 Rewards, performance, promotion system
4. Solution
5. Appendix
5.1 Reference
2.4 System

The best part of this corporation’s compensation system is that it gives performance incentive payments and profit sharing not only to regular employees but also to those who work part-time. However, although it is known that individual incentives are effective in many cases, the company only focuses on team performance. They have some positive plans about upgrading their compensation system so that they can have the best compensation system among the same
type of companies. For example, they will increase the portion of performance incentive payments and develop a system that will enable fair consideration of contribution. They will also mix short-term and long-term compensation. For the measurement, they emphasize the balance between procedures and results. The report is updated quarterly and every quarter, there is a person to person interview about the performance. The performance is rated in 5 levels (Excellent - Good - Acceptable - Poor - Very week).

2.5 Staffing

First, Homeplus also uses general criteria similar to other companies. This company recruits new employee by using Application Review and Interview process. In Interview process, they use specific criteria like group discussion and presentation. Unlike other companies, Relatively Homeplus doesn’t regard English skills as important. Because this company is based on distribution industry mainly including domestic market, Homeplus think that their all employee doesn’t need to be fluent in English speech. But after position of section chief, the company also needs English skills for communication with head office in England.
But Homeplus recruit new employee by specific methods. They earn human resources by company internal market. And the method, also called Talent Spotting, makes recruitment more easily. In sum, Talent Spotting is career discussion within employee and his superior. Homeplus define superior as the person who is in most appropriate place to assess the specific employee. And, by this discussion, superior can catch employee’s attribute and characteristic. Moreover these information is gathered and being databases. If staff that have specific ability is needed, company can choose most appropriate person in company itself.

2.6 Structure

Samsung Texco lets the expert group decide the important decision. In result, they can remove a channel (DMC, MRM, TMG, PAG, RDG, and SMG). They can enhance the speed of decision-making by making the organization flat. Home Plus is functionally and divisionally structured. It is due to its independent business structure as the general merchandise store running only retail outlet part. Vertical structure is done by passing words to one’s direct manager. Horizontal decision system and widespread devolution serve personal respect for creativity and innovation and build an efficient SCM and the networks and connections in Homeplus. In order to deal with some communication problems, the company has come up with some measures to mingle together the departments by holding following occasions.

2.7 Shared Value

If you are the fastest person in this world, you'll win the race. But only under the circumstances you know where to go. To companies, direction indicators are mission statement, vision, values and speed indicator is corporative culture. Followed are nautical charts for the company our team chose to observe, Samsung-Tesco Home Plus.

mission statement "To create increasing value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty"
vision World Best Value Retailer
values Home Plus Ten Commandments.
#1-5 - We value our customers more than any other.
#6-10 – Do to others as you would have them do to you.
culture Customer focus
CPS --> Professionalism

Interview with Jaesik Yoo in HOMEPLUS

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