농지연금제도 조사(영문)

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  • 2013.07.25 / 2019.12.24
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Ⅰ. Introduction : What is Farmland reverse mortgage(FRM)?
- Concept
- Introduction background
- Qualification for join
- Method of payment
- Advantages of FRM

Ⅱ. Main subject : Field Investigation Team 1, 2
- Examples of FRM(case 1, 2)

Ⅲ. Conclusion : Problems and alternative solutions of FRM
- Problems
1. Instability of financing on Farmland Reverse Mortgage Loan System
2. Incompetent risk management system of Farmland Reverse Mortgage System
3. Other problems on operating Farmland Reverse Mortgage System

- Alternative solutions
1. Constructing the stable financing on Farmland Reverse Mortgage Loan System
2. Reinforcing the risk management on Farmland Reverse Mortgage Loan System
3. Alternatives solutions on other sides of Farmland Reverse Mortgage Loan System

Ⅳ. References
Ⅰ. Introduction : What is Farmland reverse mortgage(FRM)?

Farmland reverse mortgage is a system that guarantees stable life for aged farmers. The government lends aged farmers money in security for their own farmland. This system helps farmer who lack money for old age by securitizing farmland fund. Furthermore, FRM aims to strengthen the farming social safety net. These are purpose of the FRM. The FRM is based on Korea Rural Community Corporation and a law of farmland management.

Korean society is quickly transforming into an "super high aged society". The reasons for aged society are development of medical treatment, improvement of food life and residential environment. Despite the aging of population, perfect pension system that pay pension for the elderly after their retirement is not established. So, this is an urgent problems and it needs to solve this problem. Also, in the case of korean farming society, the scale of farming is small. Because of aging, aged farmer is suffering from labor shortages and low productivity. Because of these problems, The FRM is introduced in 2011.

To join FRM, farmer needs some qualifications. First, a farmer and farmer's spouse are more than 65 years. Second, farmer needs to have more 5 years of farming career. But this career doesn't need to be consecutive. Third, the size of farmland is less than 30,000㎡ and the farmer have to own this farmland. The use of farmland is rice paddy, field and orchard. The farmland that used for actual agriculture is relevant to FRM. Farmland which is established to Limited real right are not allowed to join the FRM. (Ex : Mortgage, Seizing, provisional attachment, provisional disposition).

1. 농지연금포탈 http://www.fplove.or.kr/
2. 김병규 외, ‘농지연금제도를 통한 농촌노인의 생계비 개선효과에 관한 연구’, <한국지장자치학회보>, 2011, 제23권 제3호
3. 김종훈, ‘농지연금제도의 안정적 운영방안에 관한 연구’, 한양대학교, 2011
4. 현장조사 1팀 - 한국농어촌공사 파주지사
현장조사 2팀 - 한국농어촌공사 안성지사
5. 인터넷 기사
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  • ● 이동수 (2004), 세계경제의 새로운 성장엔진으로 부상하고 있는 BRICs서울 : 동양종합금융증권● 한국수출입은행 (2004), BRICs 국가현황 및 우리의 진출 방안서울 : 한국수출입은행, 해외경제연구소.● KOTRA (2004), 하반기 해외시장 동향과 수입수요전망, 서울 : KOTRA, 해외조사팀.● KOTRA (2004), 브라질 시장에서의 한/중/일 경합 조사, 서울 : KOTRA, 해외조사팀.● 디지털 타임스 http://www.dt.co.kr● 매일경제신문 http://news.mk.co.kr● http://www01.zdnet.co.kr

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