유등축제를 보고 나서 진주여행기 영작

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  • 2024.01.06 / 2024.01.06
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유등축제를 보고 나서 진주여행기 영작
유등축제를 보고 나서 진주여행기 영작

My name is Kim, and I live in Ssangmun-dong, Seoul. I love traveling, and I work as a travel YouTuber and influencer. Even though I had never been to this city before, I recently visited the city of Jinju to witness the Lantern Festival. I'd like to share my impressions in this essay.

First of all, the lanterns at the Jinju Lantern Festival have their origins in the Jinju Battle, one of the three major battles during the Japanese invasions of Korea in 1593. To honor the spirits of the 70,000 Jinju citizens and soldiers who sacrificed themselves during the battle, lanterns were released on the Namgang River. This tradition has continued, and it has now become the Jinju Namgang Lantern Festival.

On the first day, I took the KTX train to Jinju and checked into a guesthouse near Jinju Castle, where I had made a reservation. After settling in, I went to see the lighting ceremony. It was a breathtaking sight when the lanterns on the Namgang River lit up in the darkness, symbolizing our hopes as the Jinju citizens and tourists counted down.

On the first day, I was quite tired from the two-hour journey, so after the lighting ceremony, I went back to my accommodation. The next day, I woke up early and visited Jinju Castle. In front of the statue of General Kim, who defended Jinju, I saw lanterns decorated with symbols of good luck and peace from various countries. I also took photos at the Hamo Zone of Jinju Castle, which is home to the otters, a symbol of Jinju. There, I saw displays related to the preparation for the Paris Summer Olympics. The Rest Area of Jinju Castle showcased the restored traditional Korean architecture from the 1800s, such as hanok and thatched-roof houses.

In the K-Entrepreneur Zone, I saw lanterns representing successful entrepreneurs from Jinju, such as Lee Byung-chul, Gu In-hoe, and Jo Hong-je. I then explored around Jinju Castle, covering a distance of approximately 1.2 kilometers. I also crossed the Love Bridge on the Namgang River for a fee of 2,000 won, and the view of Jinju Castle and the river at night was truly enchanting.

On the third day, I participated in the lantern lighting event on the Namgang River. I also visited the National Jinju Museum, Changryeolsa Temple, and Hoguksa Temple inside Jinju Castle. Afterward, I took a stroll through the agricultural market in Mangyeong-dong, where I enjoyed Turkish kebabs and beef soup. There were many foreign visitors and tourists from different regions. At the Singandong Music Fountain, I tried making crafts as part of the citizen participation activities.

On the fourth day, I explored other parts of Jinju. I changed my accommodation to the Asia Lake Riverside Hotel. I visited Jinju Lake and the zoo. I heard that the zoo was planning to relocate to a different location. I also had some delicious chicken at an old chicken restaurant in Panmundo. Later, I explored Jinju Central Market, hiked up Bibong Mountain, which wasn't very high but offered a beautiful view of Jinju, and returned to Jinju Castle to watch a drone light show and a busking performance.

On the fifth day, I rented a bicycle and rode along the bicycle paths towards the outskirts of Jinju and the innovation city area. The locals were very kind and helped me with directions as I was not familiar with the area. For lunch that day, I found a highly recommended restaurant called "Ha Yeon Ok Naengmyeon(korean cold noodle)" and had dinner at Cheonhwang Shikdang, where I tried yukhoe bibimbap (a Korean dish featuring raw beef). There were many international visitors and tourists from various places.

On the sixth day, I changed my accommodation to the Golden Business Hotel. I visited government offices and the Yi Sang-ja Art Museum in the Innovation City area. I also explored Jinju Sports Complex, Gumho Lake, and Chojundong Water Light Park, and I hiked up Wola Mountain. Additionally, I visited Gyeongsang University in Jinju.

During my trip, I posted photos of the places I visited on my Instagram and blog. Finally, on the last day, I checked out of my accommodation and took the KTX train back to Seoul. This 7-day trip, combined with the Jinju Lantern Festival, was short but packed with many memorable experiences.
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